Chapter 2 - Everyone but Dad

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Chloe POV

"Awwww that is so cute," Berry said

"Don't say that Alen" Dad whined

"Clark, the girl is allowed to have friends," mom said while she and Hal brought in food

"MOM" I shouted giving her a big hug

"How was your day?" she said looking me in the eyes

"It was good," I say with a smile

"Well I brought the food to you so it didn't get cold," Mom said walking over to dad. She stood on her tippy toes and kissed him.

"Ewwwwwwww," I said in disgusted

"Don't be too grossed out Lil sis one day you'll have a boyfriend of your own," Jon said

"No, she won't," Dad said threatening to give him laser eyes. I giggled at their little argument, I looked over to see Robin smiling slightly. He looked away when he saw me looking at him, I returned a smile.

"So what did you make mom?" Jon asked
"Food, that you will eat or not eat and go hungry," mom said
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Roasted," I said to Jon floating in the air
"Whatever" He replies
"You're going to need some ice for that burn," Damian said under his breath
"OH-oooooooooooohhhhhhhh," Kent said
"What?" Uncle Berry asked

"You just go roasted double-time," Kent said
"Super hearing," I said
"Ohh," Uncle Berry said
Damian rolled his eyes and walked off

Mom was setting up the food, she would make food for them every month or so this was the first time I was here too.
"Where you going, Damian?" I asked running after him
"Training," he said
"Why don't you join us?"
"I don't like socializing," he said
"Well you don't have to you can just sit there and be boring," I said

He made a 360
"Will you leave me alone if I go?" He sighs
"Yes," I said with a smile

He huffed and he walked back to the lounge, I floated close behind.
When we got back
"How?" Night-wing asked
"What?" I asked
"How did you get Damian to come back?" he answered

"It's my little secret," I smile deviously taking a seat
"Here," Jon said sitting a plate of mac cheese, Ribs, Greens, and two Hawian Rolls
"Thanks," I said
"You like it?" Kent asked sitting next to me

"Yep, you should ask Megan on a date," I say casually
"WHAT" he shouted
"I mean you two are cute together," I said to Jon as aunt Kara sat with us
"She is right," Aunt Kara said
"Aunt Kara," I said with a Hawian Roll in my mouth
"How is my favorite Niece?" she asked

"Good, but I'm your only Niece," I said
"For now," she said
We all giggled knowing she was probably right
"So how are you and Robin friends?" She asked
"We aren't friend just yet but we are working there," I said

2 Weeks later
"Let go"
"I can't, they are tied together" I replied
We struggled but we couldn't reach the knot

"Someone get aunt Dianah pleases" I whined
"We'll pass," Jon said
"Jon" Damian yelled
"Oww that was my ear," I said

"I thought your hearing wasn't as good as your dad's" he scolded
"It isn't but it is sensitive"
We were stuck like this until the adults came back from their mission. We were both sitting on the floor with pouty faces, arms cross, and criss-cross apple sauce.

"What's with them?" Uncle Flash asked
"Aunt Dianah can you untie our capes" I whined
"Stop whining" Damian said
"If you had a twin I would hate to be them" I bit
"Well I don't" he bit back
"AUNTIE" I yelled
"You can yell but I cant?" He whines
"I'm a girl" I stated simply
"just cut them,"  Uncle Hal said
"NO," we said in unison
"Sit still you two," she said as she untied us
"Finally," Damian said

"Ok who's work of art was that?" Uncle Berry asked
"Mine" Jon said
Bruce patted him on the back
"Good job," he said
"How come he gets the praise?" Greyson whined
"Stop whining," Damian said

I held my cape in my hand and smoothed it out, it was all wrinkled from being in a knot with Damian's cape.
"Jon I'm going to kill you"
"You lay a finger on a hair on my brothers head and your dead" I said straightening my cape
Then letting it go before floating to his height.

"Ok enough you too" Aunt Diana said
"Snot rag" I said while flying away
"Come and get me" I giggled, now running down the hall

I could hear him following me. I stopped and let him catch up. When he got to me he looked at me in confusion.

"Why did you stop?" He asked
"Tag" I said tapping his shoulder and jumping back

"Tag?" He asked
"Yeah. I tap you and you have to chance me and tap me then you run and I chance you" I said with a smile

"Cause it's fun. It's a game. We can get the others to play with us. Then it will be more fun" I giggled

"Ummmm" he said
"Or we can do.." I started
"Tag" He said running passed me
"What?" I said in confusion
"No super speed" he laughed
I smiled and ran after him

Berry's POV
"Man they've been gone a while" Hal said

Arthur walked in the room like he had seen a ghost.

"What's wrong?" Bruce asked
"Well either my eyes are playing with me or Damian and Chloe we're playing together. And LAUGHING" he said
Bruce looked scared and shocked.
"But they were just fighting?" Clark asked
"Yeah" Bruce said as the looked at each other in worry
"Flash" they said unanimously

I ran to the kitchen and saw them running and playing with smiles on their faces. I snapped a picture and ran back.
"Here" I said showing them the picture on the big screen
"Chloe!" Clark shouted
"Clark!? Stop it leave them be they are having fun" Louis said nudging him. He let out a sigh and sat back down.

~Chloe's POV~
We had stopped in the kitchen to get a snack. "What do you want?" Damian asked as he rummaged through the pantry. "Ummm pastries" I said with a smile. He sifted through the pantry. "I don't see any but I can get you some" he said holding a pop-tart in his mouth and closing the pantry. "Really!? You would get some for me??" I asked with a soft smile. "Yeah I mean I was a bit mean earlier you aren't half bad and it's the least I can do for being so mean" he said looking away and taking his pop tart out his mouth to chow. "Well thank you~" I said with a smile.

And that's how this story begins

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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