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Chapter Dedicated to: Astroic_myungjun

Haneul's POV

"WHAT? Living together?!"

Minhyuk and I exclaimed. Gyurin, tugged at her glasses only to have it to fall on her nose bridge again.

"You guys hinted it to the policemen and the reporters caught on, so you'll have to live together, it would be easier to work together" she suggested happily. Why was she excited about this? I remember her scolding me for making a huge mistake trying to risk my life for Minhyuk but now she was happy about my situation..?

People were hard to understand.

"Still.." I protested, not happy with the idea of having to share my home with someone not to mention Minhyuk, someone who hates me. Someone who might kill me while I slept. "..I don't support it. Can we just say that he used to stay over? Why does he need to stay with me?"

"Because it's protocol. This is how it has to be" Bokdu added and I knew there was no changing their minds. Once Bokdu said yes, it was game over. Sighing, I wrapped my robe tightly around myself. I didn't have enough time to get dressed when they all appeared in my house on a Saturday at 8 in the morning.

"So how long will this relationship last?" Minhyuk finally spoke and for the first time since he arrived, I turned to him. He was wearing a lose black polo on a stripped jean with coloured socks on. His shoes must be at the entrance of the house. He looked good even with his hair falling in front of his face, covering his forehead.

"Until the movie is over. That's like 2months" Gyurin shrugged.

"Isn't 2 months small?" Bokdu added. "It would be weird if they breakup immediately after the movie, so let us make it 4 months. Its safer. Its better."

Minhyuk and I glared at Bokdu, who flashed us both a mischievous grin. I swear, I hated him- sometimes.

"Okay. It's decided" Gyurin nodded, writing it down on a paper slip.

"wait!" I called out. "Don't we get to decide whether we want to date for that long or not?"

"No." Gyurin shook her head. "No you don't because if you hadn't kissed Minhyuk, you wouldn't be in this mess"

I sighed. She had a point. I was too busy being 'kind' and ofcourse i wouldn't be regretting if at least the person I saved showed a bit of gratitude.

"Minhyuk you should move in soon. Bokdu will help you with whatever you need and Haneul get dressed and be at the company by 3 today, SaeJin wants to see you and Dongmin"

My heart did a back flip at the mention of his name.

"O-Okay" I stuttered with Gyurin sending me an encouraging smile before signalling to Bokdu to leave my house.

Thoughts filled up my head. Why did SaeJin want to see Dongmin and I? She never called for us unless it was something very important. Did he say something to her again.? He must have. How was he e-

"you are uglier than I thought without makeup." I heard Minhyuk say as I rolled my eyeballs, getting up from the single couch I was hurdled in, in a corner.

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