Story of Sakura

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A little note before the chapter: I'm gonna be using more English than before, mostly because I haven't watched the anime so long that I forgot the Japanese. Hope that doesn't trigger any readers. Also if you're a strong Sakura hater and don't really wanna read about her then skip this chapter.

Flashback no jutsu

It was an ordinary day in the leaf village. At this time the village was ruled by the 3rd hokage. There was a little 7 year old, pink haired girl on her way home with a pet fish in her hand. She had bought it with the little bit of money she had and couldn't wait to show her parents. However when she got home they weren't as excited as she was. Her father was a man name Kizashi Haruno and her mother was a woman name Mebuki Haruno. "Sakura what's that in your hand?" her father asked. "Oh its a fishy daddy, I bought it with the-" but before she can finish her sentence, her father slapped the fishbowl out of her hand, which then shattered as it hit the floor. "My fishy" Sakura said in a sad tone. "Do you know why I gave you that money Sakura?" her father asked, however Sakura was heart broken that her fish was killed and was about to cry. "ANSWER ME" her father shouted before smacking her, which caused Sakura to fall face flat on the floor. The weeping Sakura looked up at her father, "It was so I can buy something nice" she said while trying to stop crying. "NO" her father shouted before hitting her again. "Sakura you better not stain that rug with your blood" her mother shouted from in the kitchen.

Sakura's parents were well respected members of the council. They did anything no matter how inhumane once it was for the 'good of the village', a concept they share in common with Danzo. They even tortured their daughter, Sakura, with the excuse of 'training her to endure pain so she can be a great kunoichi'.

On the same night Kizashi took Sakura to an underground training facility that was used by the foundation. "I brought her, Danzo" Kizashi said as Danzo came out of the shadows "This is your daughter Kizashi?" Danzo asked, slightly unimpressed as to what he was looking at. Noticing the tone in his voice and look in his eye Kizashi took a deep breath before answering Danzo. "Sadly, yes" he said. "Seems like I'll have much work to do" Danzo said before taking Sakura away.

Years had passed before Sakura was finally released by Danzo. She was now 12 and was about to take the graduation exam. She passed with average scores, like every other child. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary with the young kunoichi. However everything wasn't as it seemed.

One night Sakura was walking home when she saw a fight taking place in an alley way. It was Naruto beating up some punks. She walked up nonchalantly to the scene and asked Naruto if he needed a hand. Refuses her assistance he said," Nah but thanks anyway, these are punks are nothing ya know". However as soon as he said that they were cornered by about ten guys. The guys beat the two with no remorse. Naruto and Sakura tried to fight back but they were simply too weak, these men didn't have on headbands but their strength were definitely strong enough to be a shinobi. As the two were reaching their limit on how much they can take, Sakura started to have flashbacks. She saw flashes of people surrounding her and Danzo watching from a distance. She kept getting these flashes until she snapped right then and there.

Naruto noticed something was wrong and tried calling out to her but she didn't answer. He had thought she passed out but she soon got up with ease, despite the fact that she was just being beaten to a pulp. "Sakura?" Naruto called out with a hint of confusion in his voice. She didn't answer or much less acknowledge he was there. It was as if she was in her own little world, the only thing she could've seen was the guys in front of her. "I wont die here" she said in a soft but sadistic voice. "What was that?" Naruto asked, but she still didn't answer him. "Hey that little bitch lost it" one of the guys said. Naruto growled but before he can do anything Sakura took a step forward while saying, "You want me dead, how about I kill you instead" she said in a sadistic voice as she licked her lips and gave a huge grin.

 Naruto growled but before he can do anything Sakura took a step forward while saying, "You want me dead, how about I kill you instead" she said in a sadistic voice as she licked her lips and gave a huge grin

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Without saying another word Sakura charged the men and killed them off one by one, with her bare hands. She broke their bones, smashed their skulls, even punched them so hard in their chest that their heart stopped. The last guy tried to escape but she blocked off his exit. Before dying the only thing he managed to say was "She's a psychopath'.

Naruto knew Sakura was tortured by Danzo however she always had a smile and didn't say anything about it. He had know idea that she had this kind of personality. "Sakura" Naruto said, unsure of what to say. After calming down she told him, "Being captured and tortured by Danzo for so long you turn into a monster", with a slight tear running down her eye. "You're not alone" Naruto told her as he embraced in her in a hug. "Naruto can I walk with you for a bit?" she asked, afraid that she might lose her sanity and have another incident. "Sure, I'm on my way to meet Sasuke" he replied.

Flashback no jutsu release

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