Chapter 5

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Once the first classes of the new semester is over, we all go to visit Hagrid and give him his Christmas presents. Hagrid loves dangerous creatures so everyone got some kind of model of different ones for me to then animate, that way he can have his creatures, but not suffer the backlash from the ministry.

"Thank you three so much for doing this, I know he doesn't trust you, but he doesn't trust most Slytherin's." Addy says, clearly happy from the results of my magic on the objects.

"It's not that big of a deal, Addy. I really do respect Hagrid. Not many people can deal with the dangerous creatures out in the forest without a problem like he does." I smile as we reach the hut, although it quickly turns to a frown as I smell burning straw. Something is going on inside there and I won't allow any harm to come to my friends.

As soon as I think that, a protective dome surrounds them, keeping them from getting hurt as I burst through the door, just to see a baby dragon.

"Merlin! It's so cute!" I refuse to acknowledge the squeal that came out of my mouth as I rush over to the baby.

"Did you just squeal?" Altair asks as he follows in behind me while Blaise smirks at me.

"No, I did not, nor will I ever, squeal." I huff and cross my arms across my chest as Altair and Blaise continue to make fun of me as Draco and the others come inside. Friends are the absolute worst.

"Hagrid! Is that a dragon?" Draco squeals, throwing everyone by surprise as he runs over to join me cooing over the dragon as the others gape at us.

"Oh Merlin, it's so cute and tiny!" I sigh as I hug the baby to my chest, ignoring the claws slicing into my legs. The pain is so worth it.

"Dragons are so amazing." Draco agrees as he dodges the little bursts of flames coming from the baby's mouth.

"Draco, I want one." I give him puppy dog eyes as I pet the dragons snout.

"It'll be a wedding present." Draco murmurs.


"I promise."

I sigh in contentment before putting the dragon down and crawling into Draco's lap. I think I need a nap after all the excitement today.

"I'm not your pillow to use just whenever you feel like it!" Draco scowls as I shift around to get more comfortable.

"Yes you are, and don't even pretend you don't like it. You get jealous when I sit in anyone else's lap!" I growl in annoyance. He complained just last night when he walked into the common room after being gone for two hours to see me taking a nap in Blaise's lap. His yelling woke me up from a good dream too. There's been a tension between the both of us since the break when I spoke to his father.

"If you want to use me as a pillow all the time then just marry me." Draco smirks and my scowl turns darker. I'm so tired of hearing this, how many times must I remind him that we are eleven and shouldn't even be thinking about marriage right now. We should be children while we can.

"Why would I want to marry someone who squeals whenever he sees a baby dragon?" I huff before getting up and throwing my arms around Blaise, leaving Draco sputtering on the ground. I then smirk as I realize I won that arguement. I've beat my rival once more, plus I get to be in Blaise's arms, always a bonus.

"Ronald Weasley needs to leave us alone. Hagrid! Dragon breeding is illegal!" Hermione gasps, breaking me out of my happy thoughts as she walks through the door with Addy. Wait, didn't they come in with Draco?

"Um Hermione, Addy? Where have you been?" I ask as I had thought they walked in with Draco.

"Ron stopped us to tell us that we shouldn't be making friends with slimy snakes and should be friends with him instead." Addy scowls, glaring in the direction of the castle.

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