Chapter 2

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I watch coldly as Vernon Dursley starts seizing and foaming at the mouth. You would think that he would have learned a lesson when I killed his sister, but it looks like I need to make him suffer. Good thing he is so obese that it's not suspicious for him to have health problems: and his sister was the same way. I don't tolerate insubordination; if I say to jump, he better ask how high.

"You will take me to the train station so that I may go to school. Do not test my tolerance Vernon, as I am merely nice right now." I smirk as I let go of the wandless magic, Petunia rushing to his side to help him clean up. I happily skip up the stairs to my bedroom to finish packing. Tomorrow I'll be on a train headed to Scotland.


After going through the barrier at the platform, I quickly find an empty compartment, enjoying the quiet while it lasts. I pull out two of the books that I bought when I went back into the Alley, trying to decide on which one I wanted to read. I finally settle on Olde and Forgotten Bewitchments and Charmes, hoping that I could learn some lost and unknown magic from it. After about 15 minutes, Adrian sticks his head in and sighs in relief; obviously, he had been looking for me.

"So what house do you think you will be in? I'm hoping for Ravenclaw! Just thinking of all the books that must be in that tower is enough to make me giddy. The people who raised me were in Hufflepuff and Slytherin, though. I never knew mum, well the woman who raised me, was a Slytherin until I asked her about what you had said when we first met. She then said that she would love to meet you and that she's displeased with Dumbledore for not allowing her to raise you too. You know I have an older sister who is in Hufflepuff, and I think she would have liked to have a little sister. I didn't find out you existed until Snape came and got me to meet you. I-"

"Adrian, you're rambling. Slow down." I sigh as I cut him off. I knew he was excited to see me again, but I didn't realize he would be so nervous about it. It's kind of endearing that he cares so much even if we barely met, and I'm thankful that I'm not the only one that felt a connection. I spent my whole life wishing that there was someone out there that would love and care for me, and now I have a brother that does that without even having to have known me for long.

Before Adrian even has the chance to start talking again, the compartment door opens, and a boy with platinum blond hair walks in; he is followed by two other boys that look dumb as rocks, just like Dudley. The blond boy looks like his family has money, and the other two boys seem to obey him, kind of like vassals did to lords back in the day.

"I didn't realize this compartment was occupied. My name is Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. These two behind me are Crabbe and Goyle. Who might you two be? I don't think I've seen you before." The pale blonde boy, Draco, says while carelessly pointing behind him when introducing the goons. I immediately recognize the boy as a rich snob like everybody else I hang out with when I have to socialize at parties.

"Hadria Potter-Black and the boy behind me is my twin brother Adrian. It's very nice to meet your acquaintance, Heir Malfoy." I stand and slightly curtsy before offering him my hand, and he reaches out to kiss the back of it.

"I see that you are the heiress to the Black family, but not the Potter. May I be presumptuous and ask why? Oh, and please, call me Draco." Draco asks his question, and I take a moment to decide if I should tell him.

"If I may call you Draco, then I extend the favor to you; you may call me Hadria. The way it was explained to me is that since Adrian was born first, he automatically assumed the heir position for the Potter family. My Godfather, Sirius Black, proclaimed me his heiress, but since I'm a female and will take the name of my husband, there is another heir. I'm hoping to be on good terms with said heir once I meet him." I explain to Draco; since he was raised in the wizarding world, he might know who the heir Black is.

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