Chapter 4

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The days continue to pass quickly until days turn into weeks and weeks into months, and Christmas is just a mere week away. I've already scheduled concerts and entered winter competitions to gain more money, that and I just really enjoy playing; it's like a release from my everyday life when I play I am free. No masks, no lies, just me and my music.

"Hadria, would you like to stay at my manor during the break? The others have all agreed already. My father would like to meet you. Is that an instrument?" Draco asks as I'm walking out of my dorm, violin case in hand.

"I will be there, although I will have to leave every so often to compete in my competition's, I will also be required to attend gatherings." I reply before leaving the common room and heading towards the lake. I slipped up and haven't been practicing as I should, I must not let myself be so complacent about my talents as others could be better than me, as reluctant I am to admit it. I have to play Christmas music and two choices of my own, for both instruments. I chose Moonlight Sonata and Für Elise for piano. For the violin, I decided Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy and Ashokan Farewell; neither is easy, but it still shouldn't be too difficult for me to play. I'm sure I will make mistakes, but one day I plan to play them all perfectly.

I quickly tune my violin before I start my scales and then into one of the Christmas pieces, rapidly losing myself into the music produced. I don't even notice as Draco comes out with my friends or any of the others that followed. I sway to the music, and before I realize it, I'm going into a haunting piece, tears filling my eyes and sliding down my face as I put all my emotions into it, of the abuse I had to suffer before the music world saved me. Of the bruises that covered my fingers as I was slapped with a ruler anytime I messed up on the piano. I remembered the time Vernon beat me with my bow until it snapped because I messed up on a complicated piece in front of his business associates. Each emotion I felt at that time, fear, hopelessness, shame, and anger, I put into the haunting melody drifting from my instrument.

I slowly come to an end, the last note ringing in the silence before applause sounds out. I snap my eyes open, magic coming to my fingertips to use before I realize it's just my friends and other classmates.

"Wow, Harry! That was beautiful!" Hermione gasps, wrapping her arms around me in a hug. I try to get out of her hold, not used to the contact, but she just tightens her arms around me before stepping away.

"I did not realize you could play an instrument so well. I thought I was at a professional concert." Altair says, coming to stand beside me as I gently place my instrument in its case. I quietly hum as I clean rosin off the strings and put my bow back in its place, careful to avoid touching the hair.

"I was dubbed a prodigy as a child; I've been playing both of my instruments for five years. I may start to learn another instrument soon." I reply before heading to the room I had the house-elves deliver a piano to so that I could work on my piano pieces.


Days continue to fly by as I diligently work on my music pieces until the day comes to leave for break. I grab all the things I will need, including the concert tickets I got for my friends so that they could attend with their families if they wanted. I also set aside the ones for Petunia and Dudley as they always come. Petunia so that she can seem doting and Dudley because Petunia makes him so that he can learn to be refined and become a gentleman. Anyone at the concert or competition can attend the after-party.

"You ready, Hadria? Your boys are impatiently waiting for you." Tracy Davis says, leaning against the doorway as I finish putting my shrunk trunk into my pocket and grab the tickets. I nod and head toward the common room, smiling as I hear Blaise whine about just how long females and Draco take to get ready.

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