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[Aggro's 'POV']

This human thinks I'll look away. Well think again, I will look forever. Unless I'm tired, but he will fall asleep before I do. Thats just how humans are, they just sleep when they're tired. But I can fall asleep whenever I want

Grunt: Why can't you just look away. It'll be much easier to just look away

Me: Ya right, like I'll look away, I won't get those grimoras on me

At night

Grunt: *closes eyes and falls asleep*

Me: I'm going to stay awake just in case he wakes up to find me asleep

I started to get bored and I just tried to break the cage again. Like always it didn't break, hope Angel comes soon so I can escape

[Angel's 'POV']

Me: Ok, let's land on that island and take a break

Cutter: Finally a break

Burple: While we have the break can we get some fish

Me: Burple! We literally had fish an hour ago

Burple: Ok

*all of them land on the island*

Me: Ok, we can go search for Aggro at dawn, so everyone rest up

[Leyla's 'POV']

Angel seems to be focused on rescuing Aggro. Even she doesn't want to take a break. I wonder what could happen if we don't. But we have to rescue Aggro, that's our job. But Angel seems worried, like if we don't rescue Aggro in time something could happen.

Angel: Ok, we can go search for Aggro at dawn, so everyone rest up

Me: Well, at least we have a break

Angel: Hm, *sniffs* Uhh, guys

Dak: What is it Angel

Angel: There's someone else on this island

Me: There is? Are they friendly or mean

Angel: I dont know, I haven't met them

Summer: Well can you sniff them out

Angel: Ok. *sniffs* This way

*we all follow her*

Angel: They're right over there

Me: Ok thanks Angel

Angel: I only did so I can be safe

Summer: Sure, ok, Cutter can you see who it is

Cutter: *eyes grow sharp* I see a person and a dragon

Me: Well let's just see them and see if they're friendly

Angel: So, you guys are just going to go and hope they're friendly

Me: Yes, also I want to see what dragon is there

Angel: It was nice knowin ya. I'll just go to see if their mean if they are, goodbye me

*we all walk up to them*

Me: Uhh, hi

Person: Ah, who are you?

Angel: Well nice knowin ya, I was right

Me: Im Leyla, this is my brother Dak, and these dragons are Summer, Winger, Burple, Cutter, and Angel

Angel: Hi human, even though I don't trust you fully Leyla still introduced me, who are you

A different way of meeting Aggro [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now