7- Airplane Messaging

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Caspar's P.O.V

I got a call from Joe asking if he can bring someone with him, since there is enough room in the apartment, I said no. But he explained that it was his twin and they could share a room. I was on the plane to England, I live in South Africa if you don't know, and I go onto Instagram and see that Joe has his twin Sister, Jenny with him. He tagged her in the photo and I looked onto her profile and followed her. I looked that in her bio, she had a link to her new channel and I checked it out. She looked so nice, and funny too. I may have feelings for her, but I can't tell Joe or Jenny herself as they would probably laugh their heads off, especially Joe.

Jenny's P.O.V

I got an Instagram direct from a boy called Caspar Lee asking for my number. I thought that it would've been Joe and I's new roommate, so just in case I'll ask Joe. "Joe?" I started to ask. "Yeah?" He replied. "Is this the Caspar that is living with us?" I asked Joe. "Yeah, yeah, it's 'the Caspar Lee'." He said jokingly. "Oh haha, you're mimicking me again!" I said, pissed of. I texted him back telling him my number.

As soon as I sent my number on Instagram, a second later i got a message from him on phone, which is bad as it may cost us more money as he is in South Africa or on a plane.

I heard that you are a new YouTuber, r u comin to America wif us 4 a fan meeting

No offence, but his messaging is really bad, it actually makes me want to throw up. (oreodacookie ) "Joe, look at Caspar's messaging 'skills'." I say as he looks at my phone. "Oh I know, it's so bad." Joe agrees as he laughs afterwards. I text him back.

Yep I am. I will see you in a couple of hours?

I got a sharp reply from him instantly,

Yeah, I can't wait!

As soon as we finish texting, Joe and I decide to load the car before we leave in like, 10-15 minutes. I have at least 6 bags, I have literally packed all my room. All my Polaroid photos with a frame, my posters, Joe probably won't let me put them up, my books & DVDs and also my pictures of my friends and I. Joe has like 3 bags with hardly anything in it, only clothes.

We got everything packed and we were about to go until Zoë ran down and ran into me for a hug, I hugged her back as I won't see her much anymore. I looked back at the house and said to myself, "Goodbye, thanks for the memories."

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