A very merry Christmas

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-4:50 am-

I got up out of bed and tip toed downstairs. I look at all of the presents. I hear a noise. 

Someone was sleeping in the plush chair. 

I tiptoed over to get a better look. 

It was Louis. 

In a Christmas hat.

I softly chuckled and covered him with a blanket. A wave of tiredness came over me and I didnt feel like going back upstairs. I sat on the chair too and snuggled into his chest. 

I looked at my ring one more time. I smiled and fell back asleep.

" GET UPPPP! PRESENTSSSSS!!!!!!! " A voice screamed in my ear. 

I opened my eyes and saw everyone gathered around us. 

" Noooooooo. Its 3:50 in the morning.." I groaned, covering my face. 

I heard laughing. 

" Lovely its 9:00 am. " Liam said. I threw the covers off and got up. 

" Hey. Tommo, get up. Its christmasss! " I shook Louis. He stretched and fell to the floor. 

" Wow. They are so much a like. " Darbi commented. I plopped down into his lap as everyone sat down. 

" Okay. This ones to....Harry.From Niall " Liam picked up a golden wrapped box. He ripped it open and started laughing. 

" A half eaten bag of gummybears. Thanks Nialler. " he grumbled. 

" Next one, Elliott. From Harry. "  

I opened the silver paper and found a pink shirt.  

" Future Mrs. Styles. I love it. " I laughed. 

Louis got a pouty look on his face. I kissed his cheek and he turned happy again. 

" Here Darbi, From Liam. " Niall said. It was a gorgeously wrapped present. 

She gasped. 

" Oh Liam. Its beautiful. " she took out a silver necklace. It was a locket, with picture of them inside. He blushed. 

" Louis. From El. " 

He quickly opened the gift. It was a sex coupon booklet. 

He raised his eyebrow. 

" No expiration date. " I winked. Everyone groaned.

" Elliott. Here." It was from Liam. It was a baby shirt that said " Im a Tommo,be jelly. "

The rest of the gifts were either baby clothes items, Etc or stuff for me. Everyone got awesome gifts. But there was one more. 

" I have one more gift. For Elliott. " Louis announced.

He took out an envelope. I opened it. 

" What's this? " I asked. 

A key fell out. 

" The key to our new house. " he smiled. I gasped and huged him. Something hit my stomach. 

" What the...."  

He looked at me. 

" Shes kicking. " he breathe.


I put on my grey sweater. Unfortunately my stomach was in the way so I put on my black leggings, and long green knit sweater. Black belt, black boots. My hair was curled down. 

I slowly walked downstairs. 

" Its really starting to get heavy. " I pointed to my belly. I walked over to get some breakfast. 

All I ate was fruit and scrambled eggs.

" When do you want to go? " I asked Louis. We were going to his mothers house, and everyone was going to see their family's as well. 

" 10 minutes. " he said. I went to brush my teeth and put my coat on. I grabbed my phone. 

" Im already to go. " I said. He opened the door and we headed out.

-20 minutes later- 

I was scroling through my texts while Louis was driving. 

" You smell good. " I commented. 

He chuckled " Thanks babe. " I looked at my ring again. I put my hand on his on the stickshift.  

- a long time later- 

" WHERE HERE MAM! " and he sped in, like last time. 

I thumped him. 

" LOUIS! " The girls came out running. I hugged them all, and then Johanna. 

" good to see you lovely, is that a-"  

I nodded looking at my ring. 

" Welcome to the family! " she hugged me again. 

" Hello Lottie.." I smiled at her, she had the biggest grin. We all headed inside. 

Pheobe and Daisy tapped Lou. 

" Louis, how did she get pregnant? " They asked. Shit. 

" Um, god. Anyay we have some gifts for you all! " I said. I handed one to each of the girls from me, and Louis'. 

" Wow! A camera!! " Fizzys eyes widened. 

" A microphone system! " Pheobe said. Daisy was squealing. 

" Yes! EYE PIGMENT HOW DID YOU KNOW!? " Lottie screamed. 

" Well that's all you texted me. " I chuckled.  

" Oh El. I love it! " Jo sighed. 

It was a one direction charm bracelet. 

They all hugged me. 

" MY TURN! " Louis announced. He took the girls outside. 

" You didnt. " Jo started. My jaw dropped. 

" 4 WHEELERS! " The girls ran over to the different colored 4 wheelers. 

They all attacked Louis. I felt kind of jealous.

" Now lets have our dinner, shall we? " his mum clapped. Once again We headed back inside. 

After dinner, we played headbandz. 

" Am I a fruit? " Louis asked. I smirked. He was a unicorn. 

" Nope. " 


" Its only been 10 minutes. " Fixxy rolled her eyes. 

" Well its 9:30. You guys are tired. " Johanna said. 

We were lead into the guest bedroom. It had a really small bed and a comfy chair. 

" I get the chair! " I sang. 

" Woah woah woah. " Louis held me back. 

" Your pregnant. I'll sleep in the chair. "  

" No but-" 

" No buts. Get yo peejays on and get in day bed young laday. " he points to the bathroom. I took my bag in there mumbling under my breath.

I hopped into my tshirt and sweat pants and into bed. Louis dhut off the light and settled into the chair.  

after 10 minutes I tiptoed over to the chair and smushed in. 

His arm wrapped around me. 

" You really wanted the chair. " he said. I just nuzzled my head into his neck. 

" Merry Christmas. I love you. " I said. 

" I love you too. " he said, rubbing my finger.

I was awake for awhile thinking. All I heard was the soft breaths of Louis. 

" This was a very, merry Christmas. " I said to myself.

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