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Amelia POV:

I was crying

More like sobbing outside in a alley because my boyfriend of 1 year cheated,he said that i was to boring

I was walking when i saw a van towards me,i looked closely to see a man with a mask and then everything went black

I woke up tied into a chair

(I'm just gonna use lia since ion wanna use the whole name)

Lia-hello!?Somebody help!?!?

...-shhhh it's okay your safe with me Amelia

How did he?

Lia-how do you know my name?!

...-i know everything

Lia-What do you know?

...-your name is Amelia white you have 1 child Laila white she's 4 years old,your boyfriend is Noah Cyrus,your 18 years old got pregnant at 16 you were born in 1999 January 19th the time you were born was at 6:45 you were 8 inches and 3 centimeters.your dad died bc of a gang riot at the park your mom died Bc suicide and you live in (address) with your little girl Laila and I'm wondering were she is now



...-shes in the basement with the guards

Lia-Why are you doing this?

...-bc it's my job

Lia-can i get a name please


Lia-the leader


Lia-can you take me off this tape?

Giamaro-no your gonna try and escape

Lia-i won't

He took me unloose and i was about to run when he grabbed my by the hair and drug me in the floor and i cried and screamed for him to stop when the door came open

..-dad stop what are you doing your hurting her

Giamaro punched me in the stomach and the tall guy shot him in the head and came over to me coughing up blood

...-you okay?!

Lia-Yes please let me outta here

...-i can't I'm sorry my names Mattia

Lia-Amelia,were my kid?



Mattia-come on

He walked me downstairs to see my kid and i was staring at his features,he was handsome


She hugged me and i hugged back

Lia-Baby what's that on your face?

She had a scar

Laila-that boy right there he hit me


Laila points to Mattia,i put her down walked up to Mattia and slapped him

Tia-what the hell Amelia

KIDNAPPED BY A MAFIA LEADERWhere stories live. Discover now