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Amelia POV:

I wake up to my head totally spinning,it hurt like a lot

Mattia was next to me awake

Lia-what happened?

I say putting my head on his chest

Tia-well you went to a all girls party,you met some celebrity's and got drunk like a lot

Lia-oh my god,can you give me some Advil

(A/n:READ THIS IS IMPORTANT my new story is gonna be called the bet😏)

He gave me some and water,and i took it

Lia-can we just lay here all day?



Tia-bc i wanted to take you out



I smiled and kissed him and he kissed back,i pulled away

Tia-i love you

Lia-love you to Bebe

We just laid there

Tia-i gotta go to the bathroom


He had gotta text,i wanted to read it but no,should i?

No,I'll do it

When you coming over Mattia that's all i needa know

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When you coming over Mattia that's all i needa know

I said tomorrow leilani


Why do you want me to come over so bad don't you got Steve

He ain't shit

Well guess I'm not either

Fine don't come over you could stay with that hoe Amelia

I will bitch

Okay so first off

He came out the bathroom and saw me

Tia-why are you on my phone

Lia-who the fuck is my lil side piece


Lia-why the fuck is she saying come over,y'all been seeing each other

Tia-yeah  but not with you,i wasn't with you during that time

Lia-but y'all still talking and you were gonna go ove-

Tia-shut the fuck up and mind your own business!

KIDNAPPED BY A MAFIA LEADERWhere stories live. Discover now