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Amelia POV:

I stopped the car as Mattia looked at me

Tia-you can't be mad at me Amelia

Lia-get out now


Lia-Mattia don't call me that

Tia-come on it was a fucking mistake!

Alana-hey!dont yell at her and get out of the car,you was texting Maia so you could be at her house too,good bye

Tia-hey Alana shut the fuck you always have some shit to say and amelia your picking me up

Lia-your walking

Tia-I'm not walking shit

Lia-watch and it's raining tonight,stay over here and don't fuck her


Alana came and sat in the front,it was just her

Alana-ma can we go to dunking


Alana-thanks,why you look mad?

Lia-idk just Mattia pissing me off like a lot

Alana-oh,you don't need a man

Lia-with 8 kids ofc i do

Alana-no you don't mom,we're older and mature

I nod and drove into the park way

Alana-can i go out by myself

Lia-girl no



She looked and i saw this boy

Lia-ooo have a crush


Lia-okay fine here's the money


She got out and the boy looked at her and winked,i saw her smile and walk in

She finally got a crush i never seen her have one before in my life

She came out with her dunkin and the boy came to her



She blushed

.....-here's my number,you should call me Alana


He kissed her cheek and she ran in the car smiling

Alana-mom ple-

Lia-Idk Alana maybe,I gotta meet him first

She nods her head and then we went home

Mattia POV:

Maia got on top of me kissing me,i kissed back and my heard traveled down to her ass,and i squeezed it making her moa* in my mouth,she begin to grind on my dic* making me hard as a rock

KIDNAPPED BY A MAFIA LEADERWhere stories live. Discover now