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Big boy Mattia POV:

I was walking around the house,when i bumped into Amelia

Lia-what the fuck are you doing it's like 5 in the morning

Tia-what are you doing?

Lia-i was walking around bc it was to dark

Tia-aww want me to protect you

I say smiling

Lia-no ugly

She smiled back and walked away but i grabbed her arm and spinned her around

Tia-your gonna be mines one day just believe that

Lia-yeah,I'm not going down that road again polibio

She turned around and i grabbed her chin and kissed her,she didn't kiss back but then after a while she did

Damn i miss her soft lips on mines,we made out in the hallway of the house,that's when someone laughed

We turned and saw katie and ale

Katie-ew Amelia i thought you were gonna wait to you get in a relationship



They left laughing and i just stared at her,i grabbed her waist and we kissed,i tapped her thighs telling her to jump,she did and i carried her to the room,placed her onto the bed and...........😏

We were done and we took a shower and laid down

Lia-yk i hate you,like *laughs* i really hate you

Tia-nahh no you don't,do you think we woke the others up?



We cuddled there when she kept moving around while we were watching tv

Tia-Amelia you okay?

Lia-yeah it's just my contractions

Tia-how many months are you again



She nods

Tia-wanna go to Walmart to shop?



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KIDNAPPED BY A MAFIA LEADERWhere stories live. Discover now