potato joins a band

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today while I was writing about my ex wife rock rocky, I was listening to panic at the tater tots and I came up with the best plan ever, let's make a vegeband!! I called up the carrot hookers in the corner and my one friend rococococococonut ( even though she's not a veggie but don't tell her that okay). I called all them hoes up and we met up at a local " legal market." And started singing our first single " bunnies." It goes a little like this:
" bunnies scare the living shit out if me
They could care less as long as someone will get them lettuce..."
That's all we got bc zombie bæ potato ate the rest. Screw u uh. Anyways we sang that for about a potato year and then my water broke. So we went to the horsepital ( they're always HORSIN' around) and I gave birth to a wonderful baby balloon. His name is pop. Pop potato. After bæ zombie ate him me and my new bitch sour cream came into my underground home and I stuck my newly fixed root into her cream hole. Oh no I'm pregnant again. Anyways we decided to name the band potato day and we make music about how scary bunnies are. Then we go to church and pray to goda cheese ( hahahahahaha PUN) yea lol anyways now I'm expecting 9 new kids ok bye.

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