o. prologue

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LORELAI Thatcher fell in love a little bit every time she met someone. Being the daughter of the goddess of love, her heart was a golden sphere of sunshine, and her rays radiated into everyone she met. She felt the beauty in the soul of each person, seeing past the conventional standards of beauty society had imposed.

She felt their hopes and dreams, their wants and needs, their wishes and losses. She saw the love people had for one another, and the love they had for themselves.

It was a beautiful way to look out on the world.

That was, until Kronos had almost ended her world.

Now, as she looked out on her fellow demigods, she felt their pain, their suffering, their gloom and doom and losses.

Oh, their losses.

She could scarcely deal with her own pain, much less that of others.

She'd heard whisperings of Silena being the traitor at camp, rumors of a silver scythe charm being affixed to her sister's dead body when they'd burned her burial shroud. The camp's heroes had hailed her a hero, and Lorelai would say no different.

The children of Aphrodite had always been looked down as shallow, ignorant and useless in comparison to the other campers. They would no longer be looked over — Silena had made sure of that. Lorelai would make it her duty to carry on her fallen sister's legacy.

It could wait, of course, until the following summer. She loved camp, but she couldn't bear another moment surrounded by the constant reminder of Silena, Charlie, and the other fallen campers.

Soon enough, she'd be in her father's Volkswagen as he whisked them away to his apartment in the Village.

Soon enough, she'd be starting another year of high school, where she could be a normal kid again, the pretty, popular girl she'd always been.

Soon enough, summer would return, more heroes would arrive, another prophecy would float out of the mouth of their new oracle, and the daughter of Aphrodite would have to rise to a new challenge.

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ author's note ✫・゜・。.

first chapter coming soon! have i mentioned how much i adore lorelai thatcher?

xx, madi.

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