vi. an untimely stop

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After the mishap in Chicago, the demigods hit the road again. Esme, having gotten them from New York to Chicago, finally took a break from the wheel, so it was Percy's turn. Driving through Illinois and Iowa proved to be quite tedious.

"How far west are we supposed to go?" Percy asked.

"Well, the prophecy wasn't very specific," Annabeth said. "We're supposed to travel west, where the land meets the sky. That likely refers to mountains, but ... which mountains?"

"In the valley of mirrors, one will prevail," Percy said, recalling the prophecy. "What could that mean?"

"Maybe it's talking about a lake," Lorelai suggested. "A mountain lake? They're reflective, right?" she said, recalling a vacation she'd taken with her father as a child.

"That's a good thought," Annabeth said as she began flipping through the Rocky Mountain guidebook she had brought along. "Glacial runoff lakes are usually pretty calm, thus reflective. And if it's in the middle of mountains, well, I'd consider that a valley."

Esme, who was seated in the back between Lorelai and Annabeth, pointed a finger into Annabeth's book. "I'd call that a valley of mirrors."

Lorelai leaned over Esme, looking at the picture in Annabeth's book. "Whoa," she said, her eyes widening. "Where is that?"

A pristine lake sat between snow-capped mountain peaks and untouched pine forests. Reflected in the water's still surface were the same mountains and trees. It was like looking in a mirror.

"Lake McDonald Valley," Annabeth said, reading the caption. "In Glacier National Park ... in Montana."

"How do we know that's it, though?" Lorelai said, her stomach twisting nervously. What if they drove all the way out there and it wasn't the right place?

"That's a good point," Percy said. "We still haven't really deciphered much of the prophecy."

Lorelai took out her sketchbook, where she had scribbled down the prophecy, as Rachel had relayed it to them.

"Five will travel west where the land meets the sky," she read. "Well, we've done that. We're doing that."

"One will be lost under a friend's watchful eye," Annabeth said, reading from her own notebook.

"I don't like the sound of that one," Grover mumbled.

"From the daughter of beauty, a choice must be made," Lorelai read. "What choice?"

"Could it refer to you choosing who you brought on the quest?" Percy wondered.

"I don't know, it doesn't seem important enough. If it's a choice mentioned in the prophecy, it has to be super important, right?" Lorelai asked.

Annabeth nodded. "Your choice must be coming, then."

"Unlikely allies will save the day," Lorelai continued. "I don't think we're considered unlikely allies."

"Oh, please don't tell me that Clarisse is going to save us again," Percy groaned.

"In the valley of mirrors, one will prevail," Annabeth read. "That's the only part we have any clues for so far."

"One will prevail," Grover echoed. "That doesn't mean only one of us will live, does it?"

"Darkness will win if the final ship sets sail," Lorelai sighed, closing the sketchbook. "What's the final ship? That doesn't make any sense."

"I guess we'll find out," Percy said.

Lorelai glanced over at Esme, who was eerily quiet in the middle seat. "Esme? Are you okay?"

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