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The school day went by quickly after lunch, I still had a headache but it wasn't as bad as it was in the morning. To be honest that was the best thing that's ever happened to me, because I finally wasn't at least 6 feet apart from y/n.

*Brr brr brr brr brr br brrr brrrr brr*

Oh shit my phone was buzzing in class! I got it out of my bag and sneaked it under my desk to see what it was.
Mina 2:30pm: Omg jdbxeiekfppwkdjdbeisnwkebrjje oh my god congratulations Lisa!!!!
Mina 2:30pm: I saw you having lunch with your girlfriend!!!!
Mina 2:31pm: yall looked soooo adorable, I can't it was amazing!!!!!
Mina 2:32pm: until that bitch jennie came along!!
Mina 2:32pm: so are you dating now or what?? Come on Reply!!!!

2:40pm: I was so scared, my life almost flashed before my eyes!!!
2:41pm: and no we're not dating
2:41pm: idk if we're even friends!
2:42pm: but we got detention together cuz of that bitch jennie and her friends. So that's bad... 😭😭

Mina 2:45pm: 😏😏

2:45pm: whats with those emojis?

Mina 2:46pm: yall could do something there...
Mina 2:46pm: like kiss and make out~~~~~

2:47pm: Mina, are u crazy?! I don't think she likes or even wants to be friends
2:48pm: anyways I gtg cya!!

Mina 2:49pm: hmm well we'll see. Cya lat3rrrr!!

I put my phone away and payed attention to the lesson. But how could I? Kiss? Make out? Because of my imagination of y/n and me kissing I couldn't concentrate, I've dreamed of that since like the 6rh grade. But that'll never happen because.

Before I knew it the bell rang for next period, I packed my bag and headed to my last period class.

{y/n POV}

I was walking in the hallway to last period and happened to walk past jennie, I tried not to make eye contact with her. To my disappointment she noticed me.

Suddenly I felt someone pull me by my arm into the nearest bathroom and pushed me against the wall hard.

Jennie: what is wrong with you?!

It was jennie, as soon as I looked up at her I got a slap on the face. My left cheek started to sting and turn red.

Y/n: what do you mean? Nothing is wr-

Another slap came, but much harder.

Jennie: you know what I'm talking about! Now shut up and listen!

She shouted and i over came with anger but started listening.

Jennie: why were sitting with her at lunch and defending her?! That thing needs to be alone in the world, she doesn't deserve anyone. She is a dyke! Are you trying to say you're the same as that thing?!-

Y/n: yes! Yes I am like HER! She is not an object, she is a human being, I was defending her because I love her!

My screams echoed in the bathroom and jennie stepped back as if I was a monster. And all of a her face turned from disgust to anger and threw me to the ground started kicking me in the stomach.

Jennie: you're such a slut, if you ever come near me after this I will make you suffer!

After that she left me on the floor in pain. I groaned as I tried to get up and walk back to class. But I couldn't.

3 Words Can Mean Alot {Lisa X Female Reader}Where stories live. Discover now