Chapter One

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The pain of a sharp knife dug into the side of my head. My eyes took no time at all to open, revealing a white case plastered over me. The light barely came through the roof of this coffin.

GET OUT!!!!!!

Was the first thought to shake me awake. My hands pressed against this cold, thick chamber.


The voice repeated itself over and over again. My knees thrusted upward, accomplishing nothing but a loud thud against the roof. Every sharp inhale I felt less and less air make it's way into my lungs. My hands felt around my surrounding as I attempted to catch my breath. I could feel the heat from my breath reflect off of the roof and back in my face.

The memory of a boy's face flashed before my eyes. It was a shade of blue and filled with tears streaming down his cheeks. The picture vanished, then the sound of flesh ripping apart shots through my ear, except it came from inside my own head. The picture flashed over and over again along with images of the horrific griever with it's geared teeth and dark forest trees running past my view, like a slideshow that I couldn't stop. A warm prickly sensation rose from my feet and up to my head. Slowly, the memories faded away and I was back in the dark coffin.

My breaths had slowed and a blue square light lit up above me. I moved my hands from pressing against the roof to my sides. More lights flashed above me along with suppressed beeping noises. Inside the blue screen, a faint pink, glowing outline of a human body showed. A little bright yellow line lit up in front of my eyes and travelled horizontally across a small squared in area. It was blurry but it spiked up and down as it went, repeating itself at one end of the square and starting up again. It beeped quietly in tempo.

As I felt my heart slow down, the line slowed down too, and the spikes became less drastic. I hadn't noticed the tight blue strap secured around my arm, which I came to the conclusion was tracking my heart beat.

I tried to shift a little and press my ear to the tight wall when a dampened clopping sound came from the distance. I assumed it was the sound of heels or shoes touching the floor as it came closer to me. I waited as two dark shadows loomed over me and created a blurry silhouette that cast through the cover. Their voices were completely muffled as one said something inaudible to the other. Before I knew it, my strange casket was being pushed. I felt the vibrations of the wheels rolling along the ground until my box collided with something else that let out a thud. My whole body jolted a little. Then I felt myself begin to move again, except this time with more restraint causing who ever was pushing me to transport me slower.

There was nothing I could do except try to listen to the drained out world outside of these small walls. Suddenly, a loud swoosh noise came from somewhere. It sounded metal, like two large doors opening swiftly. I continued to be pushed to wherever I was headed. A bright blue light washed over my container the further I was transported. My skin had a hue of blue that leaked through the foggy top.

The sound of wheels rolling across a hard floor shuddered under my box. I hadn't been moving much further until the end of my box banged into something else. I felt like those shopping carts in grocery stores when they all collide together and are pushed away by a grocer. Once again, no association, I just knew.

Those voices from earlier returned, but I still couldn't understand anything. After a while, everything went silent. My heartbeat tracked quietly beeped while I sat there in udder oblivion.

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