Chapter Four

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I wasn't at all shocked when another hall was revealed to me, except this one was much shorter. At the end there was another hall that turned to the left. With no where else to go, I stepped through the doorway.

The walls were much more narrow that the corridor I had just come from, except this one had rows of long rectangular windows along it. I stepped in closer and peered through one of them. The window didn't look into an outside environment but instead, a much larger room filled. It was filled with kids, my own age.

Except these kids were alive. They were well and moving around, laughing and talking amongst themselves at tables with trays of food in front of them. I wondered how they could be laughing in a prison like this. Were they even aware that they were right back in the hands of WICKED? I didn't think they knew about the patients that were hanging in the medical room not to far from them. They all wore similar outfits in shades of blue, grey and beige. WICKED probably didn't want them all in perfect uniform, it would've raised suspicion.

I continued watching their interactions from afar. No one seemed to notice me yet. They were all off in their own worlds, discussing whatever seemed most important in that moment. I was watching a whole other world play out in front of me. The only thing preventing me from entering that whole other universe was the thick glass. I gazed around the room some more, admiring their lack of knowledge of the dangers of this place, when one of their faces sent a ripple of shock through me.

The face, one I'd only known for a week, the one that we naively called greenie, was seated in the middle of the room. It was unmistakably Thomas. He was smiling and sitting at a group with some other boys of which I didn't recognize until I looked closer.

I completely deflated with relief, Newt and Winston were seated beside him enjoying their meals and adding in to whatever conversation they could've been having. I was relieved to see all of them, except one. All the anxiety that had just washed away came back just as quickly as it left the second I saw Minho's face. He was alive. He was alive, sitting there, laughing, doing things he didn't deserve to be doing.

I wanted to punch through the window and let the shattered glass explode with my anger. My fingers carefully curled into a fist. My cheeks were flushed in a hot fiery red. The tension in my jaw and face grew tighter to the point where it moaned in a slight headache.

For a moment, from across the room, Thomas glanced up and turned to my direction.

"Thomas..." I let out in a quiet breath. Our eyes clicked and stayed linked, freezing everything else going on around us. We became the only two people in the room. He stared me down, his expression growing more tense as time slowly went by.

"Thomas!" I yelled louder, breaking the force between us. His mouth didn't open, he didn't say anything, "Thomas!" I screamed louder, hoping he could hear me through the glass. He swiftly turned away, as if I were a ghost. I wasn't real to him. He decided I was only a piece of his imagination. I raised my fist to bang against the divider between me and the room when two booming voices came from down the hall.

I turned and two guards with some type of gun came blazing down the short hallway. I looked back at Thomas and my friends one more time, wondering if it had even really been them. The men were catching up to me as I turned back the way I came and sprinted through the doors that I had just come out of.

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