Chapter one

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It was a rainy night on October 11th, the first snow day of the year. Little Emmaline Malfoy was born. Draco Malfoy was later born on June 5th. But Draco isn't important in this story. Well, he is but isn't. Emmaline was a powerful baby girl. She could control her magic at the start, and even do wandless magic, but then, after the age of seven, her parents (Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy) decided to lock poor Emmaline in her room. When the time went by, Emma eventually got her Hogwarts letter, but her parents didn't want her to go to Hogwarts. Lucius said she would only go to Hogwarts if she was in Slytherin. And so the deal was made, and yet, Emmaline didn't get into Slytherin. 

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