Chapter two

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Eleven year old Emmaline Malfoy sat up with a start. Are you okay, Emmaline? Said the boy's voice. She first herd it a couple of months ago. Yeah, I'm fine, Harry. Thank you for asking, though. How's your day been? The voice chuckled I had an "incident" with the people I live with. Now I'm stuck in my cupboard. Emmaline giggled and then frowned At least you get to go outside, my family won't allow me. It's the worst. I herd I have a brother named Draco. Harry sighed At least you have family- Emma glared threw her mind They are not my family- "Emmaline, you stupid squib, get up!" Emma sighed. See? Bye, Harry. I'll talk to you later. Thought Emmaline Bye Emma!

Emma got dressed and went to her desk to grab her diary.

Dear Diary,
Harry and I had another Conversation. Well, It wasn't really a conversation. I would say it was just talking and checking up on each other. I wonder who Harry actually is. I'm trapped in this stupid place.

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