Chapter five

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Emma woke up early the next morning. She put on some clothes. A dress to be exact. Emma put her hair up in a ponytail and leaned her ear on the door. "She's not going to Hogwarts, Dumbledore!" Said Mr. Malfoy violently. "Now, Lucius. Why must the girl not go to Hogwarts. She has to have an education-" "She's dangerous!" "In what way?" "She started learning how do to wandless Magic!" Dumbledore chuckled. "Almost every student that I've seen that had gone to Hogwarts had done wandless Magic. It is quite common, Lucius-" "Draco hasn't done wandless Magic at all! Draco, come here!" Emma heard footsteps shuffle past her door. "Have you done wandless Magic before?" "No, father." "See, Dumbledore! If my son can't do it, than neither can my daughter-" "Lucius, that doesn't mean anything. Except Emmaline most certainly is a powerfull witch." Dumbledore said. "And that's exactly why-" "Father, who's Emmaline?" "Your sister, now shut up boy and go to your room!" "Can I meet her!" "No, you won't. Don't you dare go in the room on the second left." Emma smiled. Her father is really stupid. 

Her brother, Draco, closed the door behind him and tiptoed up to Emma's door. He knocked. "Come in." Emma whispered. He opened the door. "Hi. Who are you?" The boy smiled. "I'm Draco Malfoy." "Emmaline Malfoy." "So you're my sister?" Emma nodded. Sadly. "So... Where have you been all my life," Draco growled. "My parents told me you where dead." "Surprise!" Emma said with jazz hands. "I've been here in this room not being able to go-" "Draco, what did I tell you!" Exclaimed Lucius. "Sorry, father." "Very well. Go to your room. Emmaline, come with me." Emma nodded and cheered in her head. She followed her father. Wow, it's been such a long time since I've been here

"Here you are, Dumbledore." He shoved Emma to the ground. Dumbledore glared at Lucius. "That is not a way to treat a child." "Don't tell me what to do, old man! Get out of my house and take that ruddy idiotic girl with you!" There was a slow tear sliding down on Emma's cheek. Lucius pulled Emma to the side as Dumbledore spoke to Narcissa. "You will be disowned if you are not in Slytherin." "Come on, Emma." She skipped to Dumbledore. "How do we go?" "By appertaining of course! Now, grab my hand A/N: I'll do my best to not make Dumbls sound like a Perv." "Okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2020 ⏰

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