83- real chap

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Third person's POV

Taehyung can't help but be nervous. He's seeing Jeongguk again. He's still a little sad about what happened. He really didn't know his friend was threatening his life like that.

He trusted Jimin yet this was all he received in return. He didn't know what he did wrong to him but as he looked back time. He realize he really gets what Jimin wanted.

First is Jeongguk, then his fame, then Yoongi and Hoseok that hates him to the core now. Taehyung always gets what Jimin wanted, and he hated him for that.

Taehyung can only sigh but accept the truth. He can't do anything about it. It already happened. Now he had the chance to make Jeongguk his again, and he won't screw this up.

He hastily picked up clothes that he hasn't wear before and tried them all on. The others were making a small mountain on his bed when he tossed them because he didn't like them.

"Ahh what should I wear, what should I wear.? Shoot!! Only 30 minutes!!"

He quickly fixed himself, deciding to wear a nude colored jacket and a leather pants.

He quickly fixed himself, deciding to wear a nude colored jacket and a leather pants

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He looked beautiful and he know it. He did a simple make up since he knew Jeongguk didn't like him wearing make up.

"Now that's perfect." He praised and smacked his tinted lips together, liking the pink color.

Once he was all ready, he grabbed his bag and ran outside and hailed a cab. Since he didn't have a car.

Taehyung calmed his beating heart once he was already outside of Jeongguk's big mansion. He missed being here.

He missed all the days they spend here, on the couch watching, on the kitchen cooking together, or in the bedroom cuddling for life.

He missed it all.

He took a last deep breath before he rang the doorbell. He waited for a few minutes before a whole fine Jeongguk opened the door.

"Hey tae. Why didn't you come in?? You know the password right??" Jeongguk said when he realized that it was Taehyung.

"I thought it would be rude of me." Tae reasoned and Jeongguk nodded at him.

"Well come inside then." Jeongguk moved to the side making Taehyung a way to come in.

"Jeongguk?? What is it that you want to talk about?" Taehyung asked when they were already in the couch.

"You saw my posts right??" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung nodded. Of course he saw that. He was just too shy to comment and ask Jeongguk about it.

"I am not lying, Tae. I really am forced by Jimin. I thought you would really be in danger if I didn't follow what he wanted. He was crazy and obsessed at me. Tae, I loved you and I still do. The past months are making me crazy because I didn't have you by my side." Jeongguk sighed and took Taehyung's hands on his bigger one.

"Tae can we still work this out?? Be together again?? I promise I will tell you everything that bothers me from now on." Jeongguk said.

With that Taehyung started to cry. Jeongguk was shocked when he saw the tears on his face. He thought he didn't accept him.

"You liar!! I-I thought you r-really don't love Taetae anymore.. Taetae s-struggled for the last m-months because he have no daddy.. t-taetae thought daddy a-abandoned him." Tae said while Jeongguk wiped his tears.

"I'm sorry baby boy. But daddy is here now right?? Daddy is here to spoil his Taetae again. Do you want that baby??" Without a thought, Taehyung nodded.

"Then come kiss daddy." Jeongguk said and Taehyung complied. Sitting himself on his throne. On Jeongguk's lap, and claimed his prize.

He kissed Jeongguk and the raven immediately snaked his arms around the younger, not wanting him away anymore.

"I missed you so much baby." Jeongguk said in between their kisses. Until he remembers something.

"Who was that in your post huh?? The one touching your ass? Did I give you permission to see someone else!?" Jeongguk said, enraged by the thought of some other guy, touching his baby.

"T-thats.. that's Seojoon hyung, daddy."

Taehyung wimpered when he received a smack on his plump ass.

"Yeah?? Did he touch you like this too??" Jeongguk asked as he grabbed Tae's ass, kneading on the plump meat.

"N-no daddy. It w-was just to make y-you jealous!!" Jeongguk let out a small chuckle by that. He can't help but find the younger so adorable. (Older kook is my kink so shut up)

"Hmm yeah?? And daddy was so jealous, baby boy. Makes me want to call that fucker to watch me fuck you. Do you want that??" Taehyung moaned when he felt Jeongguk unzipping his leather jeans, his big hands intentionally touching Taehyung's dick.

"N-no!! Don't want it!! I want only daddy to see me..!" He said. Back arching from the pleasure.

"Such a good boy, hmm?? How bout you remove those jeans before I rip it." Taehyung instantly obeyed. Standing up to remove his stupidly tight jeans. Ugh why did he wear it again?

He revealed himself with only a thong, that was basically revealing all of his ass.

He revealed himself with only a thong, that was basically revealing all of his ass

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"Fuck. Did you wear this for me?" Jeongguk asked as he stared at the younger like he was some piece of tasty meat, which he is.

"Yes daddy. W-want you to fuck me so h-hard.."

"Then turn around. I want a taste of that ass." Taehyung nodded and turned his back towards Jeongguk, perking his ass and arching his back for him. He held the oversize jacket since it was too big and it keeps falling.

"Fuck baby.." Jeongguk licks his lips as he pulled Taehyung closer. His hands kneading the plump flesh as he liked the way it was so soft and smooth.

"Daddyyy.. W-want your m-mouth pleasee.." Taehyung shaked his ass when he still haven't felt the pleasure of Jeongguk's mouth.

He received a smack. Which left a huge hand mark on the side of his hips.

"Patience. As much as I want you to shake your ass on my face, you have to be patient baby boy. Or daddy will not give you anything." Taehyung can only whine in reply.

"J-just.. faster p-please.."


A fucking cliffhanger. You should wait. It takes many minutes to write a chapter. So you all better be patient, as Jeongguk says😉

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