❦ N I N E

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I'm not doing much better,
'Cause I'm missing half of me.
And being here without you is like I'm waking up to
Only half a blue sky,
Kinda there but not quite
I'm walking around with just one shoe,
I'm half a heart without you.

Third Person's POV

Jeno looked at Sehun who sat eerily quiet on the sofa, staring off into a space. He wasn't happy with whatever was happening and when Amelia didn't pick up his calls, answer his messages or even call him back, he knew shit just went down.

The moment the front door opened, all of the heads in the house whipped towards that direction.

Amelia peeped inside just to see the familiar faces of her friends and Sehun's friends, and Sehun's. To say that she was nervous was already an understatement but when she saw their faces filled with worry and confusion, that just made her want to run back to the door.

She opened her mouth but closed it back again like a fish. Amelia was stuck upon her words because she had no idea what to say. If she went like 'what happened guys', she was bound to get a hell lot of scolding from them. So, she just remained quiet and decided to stay so like that until one of them took the initiative.

The attention was too nerve wracking, causing her to gulp down in fear. She felt someone stand behind her and assumed it was Renjun, also the lively pitter patter of nails hitting against the tiles of the floor. She internally groaned and closed her eyes for a millisecond to gather her thoughts.

Vivi came running to stand beside Amelia instead of going to Sehun who had a horrified look etched on his face when he saw his beloved puppy in three different colours; neon yellow, neon green and his tail being pink. Sehun was obviously shocked and pretty disappointed but he was so happy when he saw Amelia back again.

He thought he lost her before he could even have her.

A lone tear trickled down his soft skin when his eyes met her vulnerable ones. She looked like she was apologizing with her eyes, her irises softening at his glistening eyes. Vivi barked happily for some reason, turning around and running everywhere in the house.

Jeno shot a look at Renjun standing just a feet behind Amelia. He looked at Amelia, her gaze lingering on her husband's.

"Where the hell were you? -"

"EXACTLY! All of us were so worried about you -"

Amelia snapped out of her thoughts and looked at all of them, Jeno specifically because he seemed the most upset. Her lower lip involuntarily jutted out, pressing her lips in a thin line a second later. She couldn't believe she had to lie to them for the moment but she had to or else if she straight on stated the truth, every best rumour was bound to fly around the neighbourhood and she didn't want to add fuel to the fire by saying that.

"I- uh," She scratched her nape before looking at Jeno, trying to feign innocence but that guy could read her like an open book. But she nevertheless responded, "I was at the dog parlour with Vivi... Haha..." She let out an awkward laugh but immediately regretted it when Jeno squinted his eyes towards her and slowly turned his head behind her to glare at Renjun.


Jeno was probably aware.

Jeno must have forgotten that people were in the room because he leaned closer to her ear, an action which caused Sehun to hiss internally and his insides burn. Jeno whispered, "Is everything okay? And what did you do to Vivi? I know for a fact now it was Renjun to turn Vivi into a highlighter," His voice was stern but laced with worry.

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