❦ T H I R T E E N

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Never say goodbye,
Because we are one.
Because we will walk together in the same dream.

Third Person's POV

"Sehun Oh."

"I'm sorry but the name is not present on the list." He answered solemnly, looking at the two.

Amelia shook her head and she finally looked up at the officer, "No, there has to be a mistake. Please double check." She ushered the officer to look again with pleading eyes, trying to convince with her irises though they were painfully filled with overflowing tears. Her form was shaking with agony washing over her.

No, this is just a nightmare and she'll wake up soon, she thought.

The officer bowed his head and Amelia shook her head.

"Jeno... It's a mistake. Tell them it's a m-mistake..." Her voice was barely above a whisper as she broke down in Jeno's embrace. Her silent sobs were beyond painful to hear to Jeno's ears. He really wanted to tune out her anguished wails because that broke him down too.

Why aren't you here now that I need you? Please, don't go.

"What will I even do without him?" Amelia cried in Jeno's arms, resting her face on his chest and refusing to look at her friends who arrived a little later.

They looked utterly heartbroken but it was nothing compared to the intensity of what Amelia felt. They tried comforting her and hold her but she held a death grip on Jeno, crying out her agony as he held her in his embrace, signaling the others to just quiet down.

All of them looked at the ground sadly, not being able to process the situation. It was difficult to even look forward to the future and the worry for Amelia increased in all of their hearts.

"I miss you..." Amelia whispered under her breath, clutching Jeno's shirt tightly, loud enough for Jeno to hear. He comfortably caressed her head though he knew that there was nothing which could provide her even an inch of comfort until it was Sehun.

She felt Jeno caress her hair gently, way too gently that her exhaustion, anguish, pain and suffering washing over her made her want to sleep the nightmare out. Her breathing turned heavy and she stopped overall, wanting sleep to take over so that she could just faint all the pain out.

No, this is too harsh for me to take it.

"Hey, Amelia - Amelia, hey, listen to me," Jeno spoke soothingly, trying his best to make her listen to him, "You need to rest, okay? We need to get you home. We will get information on Sehun soon and we'll know, okay?" He assured but what good could that do? Because her chest only clenched causing her heave, clutching tighter onto Jeno.

Her cries stopped but she looked so broken, that the others couldn't bear to look into her eyes without breaking down themselves. But they promised that whatever happens, they were always beside her to pick her up. Jeno pulled her away from his embrace and almost broke down at the sight of her red puffy eyes, tear stained and flushed cheeks. But for all he knew, he had to be stronger for her.

All of them helped Amelia towards her car, obviously not letting Amelia drive in that state as Jeno took the initiative to drive. The puppies looked too quiet and serious and Renjun and Jaemin climbed onto the back, Amelia on the passenger's seat.

The officer who was looking at them took pity in her form, feeling extremely sad for the young woman. He walked towards one of the female officers holding a paper and scanning it. He walked towards her and took out the clipboard, "Status?"

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