chapter 7

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The angry pomeranian's pov

There was a blinding flash coming from inside the living room. Me and everyone else got up and ran inside to check what happened. When we got there everyone got their quirks activated, ready to fight as we thought there was an intruder but there wasn't one. We all looked to the crib to see Izuku sleeping still but she was now 3 years old "What the fuck happened?! Is this part of the quirk she was hit by??" I whisper yelled to Aizawa who shrugged. Everyone was whispering to each other about what's just happened and the small Izuku started to stir in her sleep "shut up you extras. She will wake up if you keep at it." I harshly spoke, glaring at everyone. "M-mommy?" Deku asked tiredly as she rubs her eyes. Everyone quickly shut up as the small child sat up in the crib, she was obviously to big for it so I walked over to her and took her out. I held her on my hip as she looked at me confused "Kacchan?"   I look at her "What is it Deku?" I raised a brow to her "you grow?" She tilted her head before looking at everyone else then back at me "where mommy?" I'm pretty sure everyone felt their heart break at her question "u-uhm she's out on a trip for a couple of days and asked me and my friends to take care of you" she nodded understanding what I said "you should head to bed. Aizawa is she going to stay with someone? I'd prefer her to stay with either the alien freak, Round face, Invisi bitch, Frog, Momo or Jiro." I suggested as I looked at my teacher who was thinking "let her decide who she stays with. I'm going to bed and you all should too. It's nearly curfew." He said as he headed to his room with Mic. "Okay Deku, which one if the girls do you want to stay with? Only girls. Not me or any of the boys especially the short purple thing." I glare at Mineta who was smirking 'fucking perv' I thought to myself as I placed the small toddler down only for her to hide behind me "Why are you so shy? You weren't like this when we were younger" I sigh and picked her up again "okay just point to one of the six girls. Otherwise I choose for you." I was starting to get a little annoyed. Her ears flattened to her head before she looked at the girls "u-umm Kacchan" she hugged me "I stay with you" I heavily sigh "fine. Momo she needs a few more clothes. She only still fits in these because she is small for past reasons." Momo nodded and made her a pair a pj's and some more clothes. She takes Izuku from me and walked into the downstairs bathroom area to change her.

Izuku's pov

I was picked up out of Kacchan's arms by a girl with black hair who created clothes. She took me into a bathroom. She set me down on a counter and started to dress me "pretty" I smiled and played with a part of her hair. She giggled "Thank you Izuku, you are very beautiful too" she smiled and picked me up again and placed me down on the floor. "Kacchan!" I run out of the bathroom to Kacchan. I tugged his hand looking up at him with a huge smile. He picked me up and placed me on his shoulders "okay I'm heading to bed. Night" He walked to the elevator with me on his shoulders,  I was happily playing with his spiky hair while heading to his room.
I was placed onto his bed and I covered myself with his blanket "you can't find me!" I giggled and I hear him chuckle a little "silly Deku. I'll be in the bathroom having a shower. Stay here and go to sleep" He said as he walked into his bathroom with pj's in his hand. I lay on the bed and quickly fall asleep.

Bakugo's pov

I finished my shower, changed and dried my hair. I walked into my room and done a little but of late night studying, although we weren't going to be at school till next Monday because of moving into the dorms, I didn't want to fall behind. I'll be the number 1 hero!
After studying I look over to my bed, I actually forgot I had someone in my bed for a minute. I missed these days, me and Deku having sleepovers when we were younger. Why didn't I notice the abuse?! She always had either new bruises or some sort of injury but she always told me and my mom that she just either fell or accidently hurt herself and we believed it! Ugh. All that matters is that she's safe now, away from that monster. I'll protect her, she's my best friend, even I don't admit it. I pack up my things and lay on my bed looking at the ceiling until I feel a small hand on my chest. I look at Deku to see her cuddling me, a small smile invaded my face. I held her close and felt myself slipping into the darkness called sleep.

Can I Finally Be Happy?? (FemDeku  Dadzawa) (adopted And Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now