chapter 8

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Izuku's pov

"You're a bitch Kacchan. That hurt!" I whine as I sit up. Two other people step out from behind him "Auntie Mitsuki? Rhiya? I didn't know you were in town Rhiya! How are you? " I ask smiling. They walked over to my bed, Rhiya sat on a bean bag, Kacchan pulled a chair over from the desk and Auntie Mitsuki sat on the edge of the bed "I'm good thanks! How are you feeling?  Do you remember anything that happened in the past hour or two?" Rhiya asked. I raised a brow and started to think, my eyes widened quickly as I remembered "shit. Where's dad and the rest of them? I need to apologise, especially to 'Zashi" And then the door opened with three people walking in, 'Zashi, Dad and Nemuri. "It's alright problem child, it wasn't your fault" Dad says as the other two nodded "still, I'm so sorry" I apologise again before 'Zashi quickly hugged me. I flinched but soon hugged back "It's okay princess"  "Is everyone else okay?" I asked and dad nodded "All the students are fine, just worried about you. Especially the girls. Want then to be sent up?" He tiredly asked and I nodded as 'Zashi let go. "Okay. Mrs Bakugo, would you like to come down to the kitchen and have a cup of tea and or coffee? Just while these 3 along with the other girls chat? Unless Bakugo wants to leave all the girls to chat?" 'Zashi asked looking at Mitsuki and Bakugo "I'd love to Present mic! Katsuki, be nice to Izu." She said before walking out with my dads and Nemuri. The girls soon came up and hugged me "Girls this is Rhiya, Kacchan's cousin!" I introduced her and all the girls introduced themselves to her. "I'm going to talk to Shitty hair. Bye extras." Kacchan exited, I assume he got bored of being the only boy here. "Who's 'shitty hair'? Baku is still as mean as ever I guess" Rhiya joked as we all laughed "His actual name is Eijiro Kirishima!" Mina smiled at her as she nodded. We kept talking till Rhiya had to leave because Mitsuki was her ride back. We waved her off and continued to chat "so when's the sleepover? I hope it hasn't already happened! I don't know what happened while I was a child, I just remember being in a dark room after passing out in our secret area. Also I love this room! Thanks for decorating it you 6!" I thanked them "It's no problem Izu!  And the sleepover could be tonight if you feel like it? We didn't want to do it just yet because some people were still decorating" Momo explained and the girls nodded "Let's do it tonight then!"  I smile pumping my fist in the air and they all giggled "okay!" The said in union "OI! YOU 7, GET DOWN HERE!" Kacchan's voice boomed all around the building and we quickly walked downstairs "coming Kacchan!" We all arrived downstairs and walked into the dining room. Everyone was eating lunch "Oh hey bro!" I hugged Shinso "Hey lil' sis" He smiled, I sat next to him and Todoroki was on the other side of me. "Hello Aizawa, how are you feeling?" Todoroki asked as he turned to look at me, Dad had looked up as he heard his name "Uhm. Call me Izuku please and I'm okay! You?" I responded with a small chuckle "Oh alright. I'm good, thanks for asking" He monotonously responded before eating his lunch. Everyone at the table were speaking to one another, Kacchan was mainly shouting at everyone.
After lunch we all done our own things. Me and the girls walked outside to the back yard and sat at the edge of a pool. "Hey how about we go change into swimwear and go swimming? " Ochaco suggested, we all nodded and left to go get changed.
Once we were done we all met back up at the pool and dived in and started to play around, splashing each other and racing around. Some of the boys joined in while others watched, one more creepy than the others. Shinso went to his dorm building to grab somethings saying he would come back later. "Oh wow all the girls are hot af" a certain purple ball head muttered to himself. "Kiri! Denki! Come over here!" I called to them and they swam over "Yes Izuku? " They both asked "could me and Mina sit on your shoulder and have a play fight?" I asked, the looked at each other and shrugged "eh why not? Hope on girls" Kirishima gave a toothy grin. I hoped onto his shoulders and got myself comfortable as Mina did the same on Denki "you two ready?" Denki asked as we both nodded. The fight started and me and Mina both tried to get each other knocked off of the persons shoulders. There was one rule, no quirks. People were cheering our names as they watched us. It lasted a couple minutes, I was close to falling off sometimes but I manged to keep myself up on Kirishima's shoulders. The two boys were laughing as they tried to keep us both up. The game ended with Mina falling in the water "Woooo!! Well done Izu-chan!" Toru shouted. "Thanks Toru! Well done Mina" I smile at her and she nodded with a huge smile on her face. "Izuku could I talk with you?" Mineta asked. I looked at the girls who all looked like punching the boy. I sigh "okay." I responded as Kirishima helped me out of the pool "Thanks kiri!" I said before walking off with Mineta. I didn't really feel safe around him so I activated '6th sense' incase he tried anything. "Okay wha-" I was about to ask him something when he tried to throw his disgusting purple balls at me, I managed to dodge a couple but they were really fast and I ended up getting pinned to the wall by them. He was smirking as he instantly started to touch me "Let go of me you perv!!!" I shouted trying to get free from his trap. My ears flattened as tears started to fall down my face. He kept touching me in inappropriate areas until he took his phone out and started to take pictures of my body. "S-STOP!" I screamed out. I didn't like this, it brought back memories of my past.
"You're basically asking for it with a body like that~" the short disgusting boy said as he kept touching me and taking more pictures. "Hey! Let her go or do you want to die?" A voice yelled as they ran over. I looked at them, Shinso?! My eyes were flooded with tears, making my vision fuzzy but I was just able to see what they looked like "Why should I?" Mineta asked as he looked at him before he froze in place "let her go" Shinso said, he activated his quirk so the boy did as asked. I fell to the ground, a sobbing mess and panicking. I was enveloped into a soft hug from my brother "Mineta. Sit" He sounded furious. Mineta sat down quietly, he wasn't in control of his own body anymore. My brother rubbed my back "shhh Izu, it's okay you're safe now"  "T-Toshi...m-mem-ories" I stuttered out between sobs. I hear the sounds of him texting on his phone before he put it away to hug me tighter "Take some deep breaths and slowly count to 10 either in your head or out loud" He calmly spoke as he rubbed my back with my head leaning on his chest. I take deep breaths and started to count in my head from 1-10 slowly. I started to calm down a little and hugged Shinso as Dad quickly ran over to us as he grabbed Mineta in his scarf. "Shinso release him from your quirk. Izuku go to recovery girl. I'll be there soon and also, Shinso give her a hoodie or something to cover herself up with" He instructed coldly but also full of worry. Shinso released the boy from his quirk, before Mineta could say anything he was forcefully dragged alway by dad. I looked up at my brother a little scared as he gave me his hoodie. "Everything is okay lil' sis!" He reassured me, I put the hoodie on before walking to recovery Girl's office with Shinso.

Can I Finally Be Happy?? (FemDeku  Dadzawa) (adopted And Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now