Chapter 10: meeting

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We are gonna pan off of Error for this chapter, if that makes since, and see what ink and them are up to.

Error was out playing with chara and Papyrus, although he was confused on what they where planning together, being little evil butts." hey duncle Error!" They came over," what?", " can you make your arms into a circle" she showed," like this?" He did was she did, Papyrus did his laugh and went under and through the circle and stood up straight and got Error off his feet" oh!" They all giggled as pap spun Error around. Pap hugged him tightly, Error smiled, being his cutie self, after a bit he put Error down, chara pat his back. Error chuckled and walked with them, meanwhile he had a sign that said' black marshmallow must be pet and cuddled 24/7' , Error didn't know.

Meanwhile, Ink was sitting by the window, really thinking about what error said, although he wanted to find answers, so he had called a meeting to talk. Dream was out gathering people who was having trouble getting to the meeting. Ink sat at the table with the sanses that where already there" so..", " so what's the reason now?" Blue asked," its Error, he said something to me, and well, we have to keep a close eye on him", " like we already haven't?" Fell asked, and huffed," you know he's just as bad, actually more worse as the charas",  uf frisk sweats a bit, since it actually wasn't the charas killing." Soooo what did he tell you ink?" Outer asked, he knew the charas, or at least his chara wasn't the killer, she was just there for the final blow." I don't want to talk about it, but the way he acted... it's very strange, did anyone see him?", " oh! Me and chara where fighting over custody" blue said," custody?" Fell looked at him, " he was in my AU getting forced fed by my boss", " he was in my AU talking with chara, although chara seemed a little weird when he left", " hm" ink listened," anyone else?" He looked around," he's in my world now" classic walked in with Dream, sounding very annoyed," what?" They looked at him," yeah, for some reason he's in my world, and won't leave!" He kept being annoyed." And Papyrus and undyen don't realize that he will kill them!", " why haven't he killed them yet then?" Ink asked," I- uh, don't know, probably cuz we are classic, and if we die we all die", " that's true", " meanwhile chara frisk and asy are treating him like fucking family!", " hm, they know something we don't then, especially the charas, we need to know more about this", " but how?", " hm, classic just keep an eye on him while we plan", classic huffed" fine"," now how are we gonna do this?", " does it look like we know?" Everyone looked At each other, Classic left and watched Error. " well there is that new AU, error probably doesn't know them, and maybe they could watch him for us" sci said," that's a very smart idea sci" ink clapped." Thank u" sci made a cat face," but how are we going to get him there?", " we could chase him there" fell said," no the chara and them probably won't allow it and he just might hide"

That's true I guess" Fell huffed," what if we make him fall?" Blue said , " fall?"," like Chara and them play a game of chase and we open a portal and make him fall", " that's a good idea, but we need some more plans just Incase", " yeah I guess"blue pouted. Meanwhile error was having fun with them, and having a battle with undyen, which he won, and undyen gave respects. Ink put his head on the table and huffed" ok let's just go with freaking blues idea since we can't figure out anything else", " yay!" Blue put his hands up, " so what AU are we using?", " uhhh, there's that Hawaiitale AU" sci said," hm, that sounds good, that's been made not to long ago, ok Blue I need you for this", " why?", " you have better timing then me", " yay"

Frisk pat there hands together, and used sign language," ok frisk says we should play tag" asy said," what's tag?" Error asked, " ok so its a game where you touch people, doesn't have to be hard, if you get tagged by the tagger, then your tagged" Chara explained," oh ok" he nodded. Meanwhile here come ink and blue waiting behind stuff, although to ink, Error looked.... different... more... happy? Less insane? Something like that, to ink it was weird. " ok soooooo, tag your it frisk!" Asy said and ran, Chara dragged Error away as frisk chased them, Error ran with Chara, although Chara had to let go" duncle go on with out me!", " no!!! Chara!", frisk tagged Chara," noooo!" Error ran as he giggled, Chara ran after him, Error used his strings to get away," no fair duncle!" Chara said, asy giggled from it, Chara made her creepy face and ran after him, asy screamed as he ran, Error chuckled and got down, Chara got to tag asy and he tagged frisk, and Chara ran, frisk pouted and chased after her, Chara and Error ran together and giggled" I'll go left you go right" Error said," ok!", " three two- one!" They went there separate ways, frisk went after error, Error was about to go around the corner," now!" Blue told ink, ink quickly open a portal, error turned the corner and went through the portal" wait-!" He tried to back away but he was pulled in and the portal closed, frisk looked around the corner and didn't see him" hm?" They where confused. Frisk put a time out symbol," what?" Chara poked her head out, frisk did more sign language to say that error wasn't there anymore," what do you mean?", " h e s j u s t g o n e"," " what?!" Chara looked around for him," what happened?" Asy asked," errors not here!", " c-Chara calm down! He has to be here somewhere!", Chara clawed at her face and huffed" ok, we have to look", " wow I really didn't expect that to work" ink blinked," yay it worked!", ink made a face. Classic made a face" at least he's gone, now get outta here before they see you guys", " fine fine" blue huffed, ink clawed at his face a bit" ok ok" he used his brush and created a portal and left with blue, classic huffed and rubbed his head" at least there gone", " who's gone?" Chara asked." Oh nothing I'm just taking to myself"

Error rubbed his head" ow, the light hurts" he rubbed his eyes and looked around" what the?" He squints

Left on a cliff hanger! Rawr deal with it

I'm putting my own idea for an AU into this, and so far of who's winning a poll is between ccino and noot, idk who's gonna win, but it's actually giving me an idea to put both of them since Error so far has a relationship with both of these characters, if that makes any since idk if it does

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