Chapter 14: errors on a rampage!

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Slap slap slap! double slap! Slap slap!
Error: I'm tiered of y'alls shit
Ink; and what are you gonna do about it?
Error*laughs evilly* read the story

Error was just slowly turning back into his insane self, Nightmare and ccino where still worried about him, you know night usually thought about Error as a son at first, but he guess that went by and he felt love for him, ccino knew about Error, kinda thought he was hawt- but he knew he couldn't love a killer, but he did anyway.

The two looked at the glitch, and jumped from one rock to another, the glitch looked back at them and jumped away.

Error clawed at his head, just feeling so alone," he looks so sad" Dream made a sad face," Ink you do know Error is like a beacon of negativity right?", " I know" Ink huffed" I tried to make the room cancel the negativity, I don't know if it would hold all of it", " Ink I can feel it leaking", " god damn it-" he clawed at his face. The voices where whispering to Error

Continue your job~
You got to get out of here~
Noot and ccino wanna-

Error jolted as the door opened, he looked up at see Dream, dream waved and smiled softly" heeyyy", Error growled softly and went more into the corner," yooouuu wanna come out?", Error growled more and looked to the side." Is that a yes?", Glitchy kept his head down," snack?", " what-" error decided to stay quiet," huh? What did you say?", dream asked, Error huffed" what is a snack?", " oh- umm, where your hungry, for something small?" Dream wasn't the best person to ask but he tried, Error looked to the side," of I know this places layout I can plan an escape" he thought and slowly got up, dream smiled" come on!" He put his hand out, Error just looked at it and back at Dream, dream titles his head" well?", error took a second and held dreams wrist, dream jolted" he's so cold" he thought," well, you where supposed to take my hand, but that's ok". To error, dream felt so.... warm, and he wanted more of it, but didn't do anything but follow Dream. But he wanted that warmth, sure they didn't have skin, but god did he want to be warm, maybe night would

The two jumped closer to the glitch, the glitch shook and jumped farther away

.... no, night wouldn't want me touching him.... probably not ccino ether, who would want to?" Error thought. Dream wanted to ask Error something, but saw his face and stayed quiet, he just took Error to get a snack. Error looked around at the options" chocolate", " you want chocolate?", " ye", " ok" dream gave him some of the chocolate, Error nibbles his choco, actually being cute, dream blinked. Error looked at him" what?", " oh- uh nothin" Dream looked to the side. Error kept eating his chocolate, Dream sat down and had his own snack," sooo-" Dream was about to ask something before ink kicked down the door, Dream huffed." Error! How did you get out?!", " Dream let me out?", " Dream I didn't allow anyone to let him out!", Dream looked to the side" I-I just thought that we could have a snack together?", " Dream you should have asked me first", " ok-", Error snapped his chocolate and looked at the two" what?"," just you" Ink glared, Error glared back as he grits his teeth," now dream take him back to the room", " oh.. ok" he got up and went to touch Error, Error hissed at him and growled, Dream eeped and sad now and put out his hand, and Error grabbed his wrist again, dream walked with Error back to his room" hey Error" Dream wanted to ask something," what?" Error grumbled," we forgot to ask you before, but, what ever happened to your AU?", " I don't want to talk about it" Error looked to the side." I know, but I just wanna", " I said I don't want to talk about it" he growled softly," but please-", " I said I didn't want to talk about it!" " I-I know! But Error I need to-!", " I said-!"He pushed Dream to the wall" I DONT WANT TO!" He showed off his teeth, very sharp. Then ink slammed him onto the wall and they both growled at each other, " I-ink no! I-i was asking to much and-!", " dream just walk away", " he didn't hurt me! And I-I think if we show that we-!", " Dream I said, walk away!!!" Ink yelled," you know that's not a way to talk to your boyfriend" Error smirked at him, Ink glared at him" we are not a couple, we are just friends"," well I don't do friends, but that don't seem health-", " and what do YOU know about relationships, answer, nothing", pretty sure the place would be on fire if it wanted to from these two glaring and growling at each other, dream felt the extreme negativity and had to tear them apart, Error almost bit him. Dream just quickly took Error back to his room," I'm sorry", Dream put his head down," it's fine", Error huffed," says to the one who doesn't have a home" ink snapped, and it felt like Error snapped and looked back at ink with that one glowing eye, well it's true Error didn't have a home to go back to other then night and the anti-void, but still no one loved him- that he knew up. Night jolted as he felt the negativity," oh geez, we have to go now", " huh? Why?" Ccino asked," Errors about to blow-". It went dark for ink and error, error pushed Dream to the side and did a slow walk to ink, ink looked to the side and backed up a bit, Error kept walking until he got ink to the wall and loomed over him with those hateful glowing eyes



Error slapped him across the face!" Ptf-!" Ink fell to the ground, " Error!" Fell ran over, Error slapped him across the face to, and fell well fell." Error what are you do-", Geno got slapped to the ground," oh wait sorry bro" Error thought, " reeee!!!" Swapfell ran at him but got slapped down to the ground by Glitchy," hey Error what's going-" blue got slapped," sorry to blue" he thought, once Error was on the rampage, he wouldn't stop until he got everyone. " hey y'all what's goin-" farmer got slapped, lust just walked into the room and Error slapped him to the ground to, error just ran around and kept slapping anyone that was in front of him, and even did a double slap! Error huffed and went to a table and there was dreamswap dream and blue," ?", they both got slapped to, and then Error went and slapped outer, well he didn't get hit to hard since Errors hand hurt, and then reaper got slapped," you didn't die?" Dream popped his head out," I didn't die, from being a god", " well-", " go ahead and tell what you've been doing with my brother! Also sorry Geno-", " it's fine" Geno muffled into the floor," uuuuhahahuhhhh,
Working, on, my death thing-", " see, even if you didn't I still couldn't die!" Error put his hands up, Nightmare and ccino showed up" did Error cool down yet?", Error went to ccino and noot a gentle slap to the face," well at least he's tiered", Error huffed at them both, and then put his head on noot being tiered," did you go intense?", Error huffed again," I'll take that as a yes. Now I'll be taking this" he picked Glitchy up," hey no!" Ink yelled, " leeaaavvviiiinnnnn" he carried Error away, Error didn't feel good, ccino followed.

In the next chapter! Will night and ccino finally tell there feelings for Error?! Would Error just push them away?!

What will happen?!

Well it's not as long as the other chapter, but there was so much slapping!

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