The angel's and the demon's happiness

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Lawlicht chapter for the compilation of Dr. Faut' s weird potions: truth serum part. Shorter than the Jekuni one but there's lots of Lawlicht in the fandom so it's hard to find new ideas lol

"Lichtan~ please slow down..." a certain hedgehog whines, scampering behind his angel. " Why are you mad, anyway?" 

Licht doesn't even deign tilt his head in the servamp's direction, choosing to click his tongue in annoyance instead. "I don't want you walking next to me for now. Scram." He says mercilessly, increasing his pace to leave the poor hedgehog behind. Unluckily for him, he had to meet with the most obstinate and persistent of all.

-"Yeah, that much I figured already since, you know, you're close to freaking sprinting. My question was why, Angel cakes." 

Said angel actually does turn his head towards him for the first time since they left Mikuni's place, but the only thing he can gratify Hyde with at the moment is a burning glare. 

-" Keep the pet names for when we're done arguing, demon. I don't recall saying I've forgiven you for earlier. Also, if you dare ask why I'm mad again, I will kick you into the oblivion."

Hyde sighs in exasperation, wondering if the effects of the truth serum are wearing off already or if Licht's anger is really that strong. To think he'd been delusional enough to believe that the angel would be sweet to him for a change. Licht's true nature is indeed to be a proud angel, and always devastatinly honest both with himself and others, so obviously he wouldn't act any different because of that. Trying to brighten the mood, Hyde shrugs it off.

-" Ah, fine. I'm sorry for whatever I did to upset you, Licht." He says at last, putting the emphasis on his eve's name. " Not gonna lie, I was hoping this truth serum thing would reveal more of your sweet side. It's my bad though, you're always true to yourslef so obviously it's not that effective on you. Guess I'm a bit disappointed that you're just cursing me as much as usual ." He finishes his sentence in a soft laughter, but Licht's reaction is the opposite of what he expected. 

Stopping dead in his tracks, the angel looks down for a second, his bangs covering his eyes. Hyde doesn't have enough time to worry before Licht finally turns around to face him properly, and the look on his face makes him uncomfortable. The pianist somehow looks like he's hurt, and it makes Lawless angry at himself in an instant. 



Hyde blinks as his eve repeats the word, and he can't tell what's being reflected in his pure and blue eyes anymore.

-" You're right, I don't care about that stupid ass serum, it doesn't change a single damn thing about me. So why did you  think it was important to begin with? As if ..."

Oh, no. Lawless understands, at this precise moment, that he's managed to ruin it. And the worst is, he absolutely didn't mean to. Licht's next line pierces through his chest and pains him in a way he's never thought was possible, because he's really learned to care for the angel and to enjoy his company. 

"As if you're not satisfied with the way I usually am." Licht's glare is replaced with a sad frown as he pronounces each word much too slowly for Hyde' s liking, and he discovers a secret insecure side to his eve. 

Despite the bewilderment caused by his discovery, Lawless is quick to correct his angel,  moving his hands frantically as he performs an answer. 

-" W-wait no, that's not what I meant, Angel. I, uhm, was a bit taken aback because you didn't answer my question at all, whereas it's kinda the purpose of truth serum. So I... I concluded you were so angry you just had to insult me, and while it does sadden poor me, I don't want you to change. That's part of our dynamic, after all." He tries sliding in another joke, to no avail. Either Licht doesn't get the playful tone, either he's convinced himself Hyde is tired of his violent side and is merely lying not to upset him further. Anyways, it appears the hedgehog has failed tonight's mission, as it doesn't seem their evening will go by peacefully. 

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