Chapter 3: A Hero's Duty

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After the meeting, Mic wanted to go take a day off... Nezu agreed to it and told everyone that there were no classes today, everyone was relieved but saw All Might and Midoryia walking to his Office, they tried to stop him and ask questions but Aizawa had his scarf ready so they backed off.

When they got inside, they sat in silence for 5 mins before speaking, All Might spoke up first saying about how he could activate and deactivate One For All, but then he saw a look he never wanted to see his successor to have, one of sadness, fear and emptiness, when he tried to bring it up, Midoryia looked up at his idol with tears in his eyes, then for the first time in a while, they broke into a hug, he tried to say something that resembled I'm sorry and I should have tried to protect both of them, but it was just a mess of words, imsorryishouldhavetriedtoprotectthem and All Might looked at him with hopeful eyes and asked why he asked for him alone, he then said something that would haunt the both of them for the rest of their career, they all know about OFA.

He looked at the green haired boy in front of him and did the one thing he knew how to do... Smile.

Midoryia, my boy, the meeting didn't go as it was supposed to, we missed out a key point that was gonna decide something, All Might hit himself in stupidity "how could I forget" he exclaimed before telling Midoryia to stay there and burst through the door into a 3-A classroom to see UA's Big Three standing there but something wasn't right... Nejire Hadou had a burn mark on her forehead and Bakugo standing over her, Hey All Might, what made Deku relevant, why not someone with potential? Mirio lost it when he said that, "How do you say that when you have killed your own classmates and some great Pro her- "leave him Mirio, could you get me some food? ... yeah ok... don't bother, I know what your quirk is, you get the traits of the foods you eat... Chicken, you can fly for a brief time, Oysters, idk... your hands... or something...

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