Just Another Ordinary Day (Part 2)

668 21 8

| Fresh

Ow. My wrist still hurt like a...puppy-dog after Alphys dragged me all the way to our English class. I mean, come on, some skeletons do have delicate bones! 

Anyway, leaving my vanity aside, the class was about to begin. English is one of my favorite subjects, so I didn't mind just sitting there and scribbling down notes like a crazy person. In fact, I'm pretty sure that only Alphys and I actually cared about any of the subjects in our timetables. And that may have been due to the fact that we're mega nerds...

'Good Morning, everyone,' the Teacher's voice sounded out over the chattering of the students even though it was soft and good-natured. I really liked our English Teacher. She was nice and was kind to everyone. She's the kind of person you'd see adopting stray puppies and kittens. 

She's a Monster that looks somewhat similar to a Satanic goat. Even then, she really loves taking care of others. In that regard, she's a lot like Nurse Toriel, but the similarity ends there. Nurse Toriel wouldn't hurt a fly, but Mrs. Dasher would. And far bigger creatures than that.

Ahem. Anyway, all I'm saying is; don't interrupt her beauty-naps or her opera singing practice if you know what's good for you. Or steal her grass/catnip (for some bizarre reason, she's really obsessed with catnip...). Or her cream rolls. Or--

Okay, yeah, I should stop. Not that I ever stole her cream rolls, mind you. Personally, I'd prefer something nice and minty. Ooh, and sparkly. 

Mrs. Dasher's tail swished around behind her as she stepped out from behind the front desk and began strolling in her usual meek but still somehow threatening way between our desks. I eyed her fluffy sweater adorned with sewn-on chibi kittens. And their huge anime-like eyes. And positively adorable paws and even fluffier tails. 

Oh me gosh! So cuuuteeee! Squee! I'm getting Warriors vibes for some reason...

'So, everyone,' she spoke, smiling and putting her hands--I mean hooves-- together, 'today, as I'm sure all of you know, is a day I told you to prepare for. I hope you haven't whiled away the weekend playing videogames.'

And then, folks, she pronounced the words of my doom. 'We have a little test today.'

Oh, jeez--Oh no--the test! Aggghhh!

I completely forgot that we had a test today! I was so busy trying to accept the fact that I had gone to PJ's pool party that I hadn't even thought about it! 

Okay, Freshie. Don't hyperventilate just yet. Breathe...pull all that oxygen into your non-existent lungs...

(Somehow, I feel like this isn't working.)

I felt myself pale, which is ridiculous considering that I'm as white as milk anyway. Or maybe my skull just turned the shade of sour milk. 

Um...maybe this wouldn't be so bad. I mean, not to brag or anything, I'm pretty good at English.

'Oh, the test!' Alphys turned to me. 'Di-did y-you study, Fresh? Or we-were you j-j-just too ca-caught up in-in PJ-land?'

'P-P-PJ land!?' I sputtered. What in the name of holy cats is she talking about!? I mean, PJ is hot and all, but he really isn't my type. He's just so...ugh, nauseatingly irritating. And sometimes mean.

'I b-bet y-you w-w-were daydr-dreaming ab-about him a-all day long yesterday, weren't you?' a teasing smirk showed up on her face.

Okay. Something is seriously wrong with this Monster. She doesn't usually do this sort of thing to me!

'No,' I said firmly. 'We just met, like, a week ago. And he is way out of my league. Not to mention how annoying he is.'

'Wh-Whatever y-you say. Also, it's b-b-been two we-weeks s-since yo-you guys m-met,' my fellow yellow-scaled anime-fan waved a dismissive claw and turned her attention to the Teacher's words.

When Mrs. Dasher gave me my paper, I stared at it without really taking it in.

PJ isn't that bad, I guess. That night when he apologized to me, I...

Oh, forget it. He's still annoying. Fluff him and his stupidly endearing smirk. Hmph. 

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