Chapter Three

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The next morning, Lorraine woke to a pounding headache. All she could remember was a sliver of distorted images that beat against her mind making her groan.

She was sat on the edge of her unmade bed, clutching her head in her hands. She felt as if she would throw up there and then if she didn't drink anything to help with her hangover. Her throat was parched, and she felt like roadkill. There was a small knock on her bedroom and when she didn't answer, the door creaked open and she saw the outline of a blonde figure make her way into her room, holding what looked like a tray.

"Oh good, you're awake," Allison spoke as she shut the door behind her, placing the tray onto the table. She handed Lorraine the glass of water alongside two aspirins. "I thought you wouldn't make it." She grinned sheepishly, fiddling with the end of her braid.

"What the hell happened last night?" Lorraine downed the aspirins in no time and chugged the water in less than ten seconds after. "Shit my head hurts."

"It's bound to," Allison remarked as she leaned against the wall beside Lorraine's bed. "Savannah and Liv brought out the drinks and when they offered you bottle after bottle you couldn't say no."

Lorraine could remember a hazy image of two dark haired girls sauntering into the den arms filled to the brim with bottles of all sort that appeared appealing to Lorraine. Why wouldn't they? She was a sucker for anything to numb pain and push back memories.

A trickle of faint memories hit Lorraine as she closed her eyes – her reaching for another bottle once the other had finished, her taking shots with salt and lime, her laughing with her fellow pack members, and her just having a good time until she blacked out. That was all she could remember.

"I promise you I'm not an alcoholic."

Allison bit back a laugh, grinning. "You just like to have a good time. There's nothing wrong with that," drumming her hand against the wall, she added with an afterthought, "Although Daniel was a bit hesitant in letting most of us drink."


"In case there's an attack," Allison rolled her eyes as she replied. "Noah's got a stick shoved up his ass when it comes to surprise attacks which is why him and Daniel have a problem with us drinking."

"What do you have guards for?" Lorraine asked, raising a brow. "To look pretty?"

"Exactly! It's totally dumb as fuck that we can't let loose but between you and me Lorraine, we still do it on the sly."

Lorraine glanced around her room and was thankful that nothing was broken, but when her eyes roamed the mirror, she did a double take. Her usually tamed hair was sticking up in all directions and she had panda eyes – she must have rubbed her eyes a lot during the night as there was some black residue on the tips of her fingers.

Lorraine turned to look at Allison who was staring intently at her. "How much exactly did I drink last night?" she asked.

"Not as much as us but you were out pretty quick. Evan had to carry you to your room but I don't think you'd remember since you were out cold."

"Whose Evan?"

"One of Noah's friends. He took a liking to you though." She added.

"Fantastic." Lorraine breathed, refraining from the urge to roll her eyes.

Sure, Lorraine had had a few boyfriends, but they weren't serious at all. She saw them as short flings when she was feeling lonely but never took it as far as they wanted to. That was usually when things ended – they would call Lorraine rigid and she would end up slapping them or retorting something equally as damning to them.

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