The Beach House

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***Hey guys, this is my first story so please be gentle on me. Please rate it and suggest new ideas, and I'll upload more. thanks, and enjoy!***

'Brrring!' we all cheered as the end of day school bell rang, stating it was finally summer holidays. "Yeesss!" I shouted over to my now dancing friends "Alright alright ladies calm yourselves now! Smarten yourselves up as well please" we heard our headmistress say whilst leaving the classroom. we rolled our eyes as she closed the door and started dancing again. "Haha oh this is going to be great!" I heard Jamie say whilst doing the jive.. or at least attempting it. "Haha You idiot" I said pushing her slightly but enough for her to stumble. "Hey hey get off" she said pushing me back. "Haha alright alright" I said holding my arms out in front of me and walked back.

"Shall we go?" I asked as I walked toward the door. They nodded and followed.

"What we doing this weekend?" I asked opening the door to the stairway "Mmm well we have Mandy's' party on Sunday and tomorrow nothing really just chilling by ourselves I guess" I heard Jamie say. I nodded "Well I'll be at the party and…" I started to say but stopped as I noticed Nate. "Oh Natey boy" I shouted catching his attention "That name has got to go, but you.. Well you will have to come over here" He said opening his arms. I leapt forward hugging him feeling his heat surround me. "You coming to Mandy's party Sunday?" I asked stepping back as he walked away, "If you're there, of course" he said hugging Jamie and Fran" I smiled "Cool, you want to come over before?" I questioned him my eyes following his every move "Sure" He said and stopped moving. I smiled and looked over to Mike who I had noticed had been looking at me funny "What?" I asked softly fully knowing what he was thinking. He shook his head and put his arm around Jamie's neck and kissed her cheek. I envied them. I really did. "come on lets go" I said trying to distract myself and walked off.


I awoke the next morning surprisingly early and stretched my arms out whilst yawning. I stopped suddenly remembering Nate was coming around today and smiled. Me and Nate had known each other since the first day of High school, I liked him the first second we started to talk. I remember exactly the way he smelt and what he had on, and ever since all I could think about was him. I smiled remembering the conversation we had had and slid out of bed.

Walking down the stairs I heard noise coming from the kitchen. My mum must be home I thought and rushed down hoping not to miss her. "Hey mom, you alright?" I asked stepping into the cold kitchen "Yea thanks. Um I'm off for the weekend Hun, so please keep the place tidy and I'll be back Monday night ok?" She said whilst scuttling around trying to sort out her breakfast. I slumped a little and made my way to the stool by the breakfast bar. My mum and dad were divorced and ever since then she has made it her job to make it as the CEO at her business just to show him up, It makes sense in a way, but it constantly means that she's never around.

"Alright" I said popping a strawberry into my mouth "you doing anything tonight?" she asked whilst stopping to drink her coffee "Well Nate's coming over tonight so we can go to Mandy's party together" I said swivelling around on the chair "Nate hmm?" she asked lifting her eyebrow "Haha stop" I said jumping off the chair slipping past her toward the breakfast cupboard. " Alright I'm off now. Love you" I heard her say "Love you too bye" I said giving her a kiss and watched her walk away. The bang of the door filled the empty house with sound. I heard her heels clicking as she walked out the house and into her car. "Miss you" I whispered and sat on the counter. I started on my cereal and stared a the picture on the wall of me and my mum when I was five, back when we were great and so was her marriage. I missed that side of my mum, the outgoing, casual and fun loving woman who was so relaxed. Now the only time she stops is when she has her coffee or when she sleeps.


The steam filed out into the corridor as I opened the bathroom door. I walked to my door and stopped as I heard something ringing. My phone! I thought and ran into the kitchen

- "Hello?" I said out of breath

- "Hey, Its Rick"

- "Oh hey sorry just ran down half a flight of stairs"

- "Its ok. I was just wondering if you wanted to do something today?"

- "Sorry no can do. Nates coming round" I squealed

- "You seem to spend all your time with him. I never see you"

- "Yea you do.."

- "No jasmine I don't"

- "Well I'll see you tomorrow?"

- "whatever Jasmine"

- "Uh ok then bye"

And I ended the call. Why was he acting so funny? He knew I liked Nate. I sighed and threw the phone down on the counter and continued to walk upstairs. I opened the door and went to turn up the radio full blast. "Come on come on come on look at me" I sung humming in tune to the song on the radio. I walked into the closet and pulled out dark blue denim shorts and a blue top in tow. I was really hoping today would go as planned. I wanted Nate to notice me. Not in that buddy buddy way though, In a more than friends way. The way I noticed him, the way I studied his every move, his every smile. I straightened my hair and threw on a necklace. Giving myself the once over in the full length mirror I twirled and walked downstiars just in time to answer the ringing house phone.

- "Hello?"

- "Hey princess its dad"

- "Hi"

- "Uh how you been?"

- "Good thanks, um dad im kind of busy now so I have to go, sorry."

- "Ok well I just called to let you know me and Minda are getting married"

- "Oh congrats?"

- "thanks, well I want to talk to you about it properly, so can we meet up this week?"

- "Yea ok, I'll see when im free"

- "Alright honey Love you"

- "Bye"

I put down the phone and stared at it for a while. I hated those conversations. The ones with my dad. They seemed too awkward. As if it had been acted out. I walked away and sat on the kitchen counter playing with the beads dangling off my necklace. Why was he marrying her? What had she got that my mum didn't? I questioned myself over and over.

I must have spaced out because the next thing I heard was a deep voice calling through the house.

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