The Beach House Part 5

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***Hey guys, just a short bit, let me know what you think. Thanks and enjoy***

I sat down in my assigned seat praying to god that by a small chance, a new student had been enrolled who had a surname similar to mine. No such luck.

 "Rick Myers, Next to Jasmine please" called out the teacher pointing to the stool next to me. It took all the effort I had to compose myself and smile at Rick who was trying hard to ignore me. I can already predict that this may be the worst hour and a half of my day.


Me and Rick are sitting as far away from each other as possible on the edge of our stools. I keep glancing at him, and turn away when he looks at me. Why must he be like this? I ask myself feeling angry both with him and myself for acting so childish. I take out a pen and tear some paper out of my notebook and write 'Why are we even fighting?' and slide it over. He picks up the note, scoffs and replies, dragging the pen angrily across the paper finalizing the full stop with a harsh stab of his pen, eventually sliding it over obviously annoyed. I looked at his reply 'you're asking me this after how many weeks?' I sigh and stuff the note away,  no point in even making an effort with someone who can't answer a question like a normal human being. 

  We both pack our bags as fast as we can when the bell rings and rush to the door trying to get out of the door as quickly as possible. I scan the hall for a friendly face, and make my way over to Jamie who seems to have fallen asleep against the wall standing up

  "I cant believe that moron!! Ahhh!" I growl waking Jamie instantly who tries to defend herself with her folder, making me laugh as my bad mood slowly melts away.

  "Come on Jame', Lets get you home to get some sleep 'kay" I usher her out of the school into the luminescent sunshine and direct her towards my car, her body weakens under my arm as she does what she's told for once. 

  "Jas, who were you talking about earlier?" she asks "... You know when you sounded really angry" she continues when I don't reply as I dig in my bag for my keys 

  "Oh just that moron Rick" I emphasize the last syllable with another punch into my bag, grabbing my keys from the bottom of my bag and opening the door for my weathered friend. There is no answer from her, and I assume that she must have fallen asleep again.


I fall onto my bed after finally getting Jamie to bed making my way home after a long day. It's then that I hear small taps on my window. I heave myself up and look down, surprised to see Rick standing in my garden. I pull open my window and shout out "What the hell are you doing here?" 

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