The Beach House Part 10

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Sooner rather than later, School was back on and even after my confession to Rick that last night at the beach house, it was time to leave him just there. In my memories of the beach house.

Nate was even more loving than before, trying every moment to recreate the pathetic excuse of love we created on the beach together. Rick and I kept our distance, occasionally giving one another hungry looks, before looking away quickly. 

 "Ok ladies and Gentlemen, please continue work on your projects"  The science teacher called out to the class.

 I sighed and noticed Rick who was staring intently at me I quickly  pushed my thoughts away and tried to make a start on the project we had put off for so long. 

 "Ok so I was thinking that maybe we could do an artistic video on the heart ... " I said as the teacher passed by, looking impressed with the idea

 "Very good Jasmine, maybe you could ask everyone what they think love is, and then you could use it for a different angle on the heart" she added and walked off leaving me and Nate staring into one another's eyes. 

 "Jas ..." he started but I stopped him with a shake of my head

 "Don't ... please" I said trying hard to hold back the tears.


I sat in my car as the rain poured down, and broke down into sobs as I felt my entire soul being ripped apart. What made this all the much harder was that Nate was trying his hardest to please me, and I couldn't deal with it anymore. 

Just as I was thinking about him, I heard a tapping on the drivers side window, and looked out to see Nate, dripping from the rain holding out a bouquet of flowers, and smiling that charming smile of his.

 Stepping out the car, I gave a fake smile, and lead him inside the house where I walked with him into the lounge and sat next to him my knees brought up to my chin. 

 " have to tell me what's wrong" he said eyeing my red and blotchy eyes. 

 I considered telling him. Just for that small second I imagined that maybe he would be ok with it. Instead I muttered something about girl stuff and smiled in attempt to fool him.

 "You girls, and your drama" he laughed leaning in to kiss me

A clap of loud thunder separated us as we both jumped

 "Jheeze ...Well I better be going Jas, I don't want to get caught in the middle of that" he said as he stood up.

 "And don't stress too much... You're much to pretty to worry about anything at all" I nodded and closed the door as he walked away, feeling my heart break into a million pieces.


Nate was right, the storm was huge, and It seemed to be ripping up and taking anything that was in its path. I sighed as I pressed my face against the window, wishing it would take me somewhere far far away where I wouldn't have to worry about any of this anymore.

 I must have fallen asleep by my window because the next thing I knew, I was being shaken awake by my mother who looked as pale as a ghost 

"Honey...Rick's in the hospital, he got caught in the storm". 

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