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I hate Mondays. I wanted to sleep longer. I got really tired yesterday. Derek said that he'd take me today. I got ready quickly and had breakfast with mom.

I had History first period

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I had History first period. I usually sit with Hanna but she didn't come today so I sat with Zack. We were given this small project and we had to do it in pairs. I paired with Zack.

We could complete it in two three days. We decided to start today after school at the library. He walked me to the next class.

I had chemistry now. I sit with Hanna in this class too. Now, I'll have to do everything alone.

"Is this seat empty for today or is your friend coming?" I look up to see a cute guy smiling at me.

"She's absent." He sits down next to me.

Liam is really sweet. He is such a gentleman. He walked me to my locker and held my bag until I was taking out my books for next class.

"You really don't have to hold my stuff for me, you know?" I say.

"It's fine..." Before Liam could continue Derek came and stood next to me.

"Thank you for your help. I can take care from here." Derek smiles and takes my bag from Liam. Liam smiles awkwardly and leaves.

"He was just helping me, Derek."I shake my head and take out my books for the next class which I have with Derek so we walk together.

"How is it that you befriend only guys?" He asks

"You're forgetting Hanna."

"Besides her." He rolls his eyes.

"I don't know. They're less bitchy and problematic, I guess." Before Derek could continue the teacher walked in.

"So class, you all will be working in pairs for your next assignment, you all will take care of a fake baby. It's known as the Reborn Baby Project. This is really important. You can not cheat because if you try to tamper with the control box then there is an indicator and you'll be given a F. The baby will cry and you will have to figure out what it needs. Always keep it with you. I'll see it in your next class too. Now come and collect your babies."

"This is going to be annoying." I comment.

"I don't know shit about babies." Derek replies. We go and get a baby.

"I heard babies are supposed to be cute. This thing looks scary. You're taking it home with you today." Derek says.

"Oh no! I'm working on a project with Zack after school. I can't."

"Why not Hanna?" Derek asks. Ugh.

"She's absent and you're missing the point."

"Just keep it with you. I know Zack wouldn't mind."

"Also Austin was saying to come over later."

"Then definitely no. Maybe he can help you out with this." He says and points towards the baby.

"Derek, pretty please." I beg with puppy eyes.

"Okay fine."

"Thank you. You're the best."

"Yeah, now come let's go and eat."

We go to lunch where Alec and Ty were already waiting.


"No, I'm not dating Derek. What makes you think that?"

Zack and I completed half of the project. We worked really hard on it. We are now out here to have ice cream.

"I don't know. It just feels like he's your over protective boyfriend." Zack says.

"Yeah, I'll give you that. Derek is really protective but no, he isn't my boyfriend."

"Oh. Okay. So shall we continue the rest of our project tomorrow?"

"No. Actually I can't tomorrow. I have a baby to take care of?" I say rolling my eyes. Babies are cute but trouble makers.

"Reborn baby project? Those babies are super irritating. They start crying in the middle of the night."

"Ugh. Let's not think about it. I'll deal with the thing tomorrow."


Austin came over at my place and we decided to watch some Netflix. He made mac and cheese.

"Where were you? It's really late. Don't tell me you were hanging out with Derek!" Austin asks.

"I have no idea why you hate each other and no I was with Zack for a project then we went to get ice cream."

"Why're all your friends boys?"

"What? No? I have a friend, Hanna. Derek said the same thing this morning."

"I think I know why."Austin says and he has a deep thinking face.


"Let's start the movie?"

"Yeah okay."

The entire movie, Austin was either using his phone or staring at me. I just let him do whatever he was doing because I was focused on the hot actor.

I still ended up sleeping halfway through the movie. Suddenly, my phone started ringing and it was kept on the table. I didn't wanna get up.

"Who is it?" I asked Austin as he bend to pick it up.

"Spam ID. Go back to sleep." He replied and put my phone on silent or maybe switched it off and I went back to sleep.

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