Chap. 4: Lace Meets Her Match - pt. 1

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The human's next step was to pack a duffel. She wasn't sure exactly how long she'd need to be away, but it had to be at least a few nights. Across the deserted human settlement, and through the ominous gate, she returned to her ship.

Once inside, she immediately began to make a mess, throwing clothing in every direction, looking for something that could possibly pass in an interview. She talked to herself as she searched. "Somehow, I don't think late second millennium punk rock is going to do it." Eventually, she reached the last layer and found Leanna's outfits. "I can't believe I still have this..." She pulled out a white button-down, and a black pencil skirt. This is what she wore when she was still looking for work on Fortas. She held the pieces up to her form, measuring them against time's changes on her body. The shirt was fine, but the bottom was a tad small. She shrugged, smirking. "Well, a little tight skirt never hurt anybody."

Lace shoved a few other items into a bag, then remembered Silas' words about her old account. Untraceable physical money wouldn't fly in this part of IAC territory. Rooting around once more through her junk, she found Leanna's official monetary pod. She rubbed some dirt off. "Hope this thing still works." The pod was a circular screen with several buttons on the sides. Lace pressed two of them at the same time. She grinned as it turned on, then scowled as the screen turned red and the pod started buzzing. "I know I have low funds!" The device responded to her growl, showing the very low red number of the money she still had. She held back throwing it across the room. "Stop judging me for being poor."

Lace stuffed the pod into her pocket, grabbed a few final necessities, and began her trek to the south gate. Marching once more through the half-breed town, she used the distain of the citizens to prepare herself for what she'd meet on Fortas. If the planet was anything like how it used to be, being ignored here was just a taste.

Watching the dirt path fling dust onto her calves, Lace realized something she had forgotten. She couldn't go into the interview with these ratty kicks. The human groaned, understanding she'd have to find a place to buy acceptable shoes here, as a pair in sector one or on Fortas would be far outside her price range. Peering around, she spied a shop to her left. She dragged herself over.

The store wasn't much to look at, and the only person inside was the shopkeeper who was most notably Kyre, with various different races mixed in. Lace shuffled to him and secured his attention. He wouldn't be able to pretend a customer wasn't there.

"Hey, I'm going for a job interview, got any shoes that could work?" It was obvious in his face that the man wanted nothing to do with her, but clearly needed the money. He wordlessly pointed across the room, where different types of footwear were strewn about. Lace wandered over, and after a quick look, found some modest black heels. She called back to the man. "How much for the these?"

"Fifty." His voice was low and intimidating, but Lace wasn't dissuaded, and challenged back.

"Fifty Ciscos? These aren't worth that much."

The shopkeeper frowned. "That's the price."

"What do I look like to you? Some big shot?"

"You're the one going for an interview."

Lace scoffed. "Yeah, an interview. I don't have a job yet!"

"Fine. Forty-five."

Lace paused, then grabbed the shoes. If only there were more people in here, and this guy wasn't watching her like a hawk, she could've nicked them already. Instead she countered. "Twenty."



The man grew impatient with the indignant human. "Thirty-five, final offer."

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