My(uncalled for) opinion on the new TETOCU series (CU)

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Warning: Don't read if you haven't seen the new series yet and don't want any spoilers.

My bro and I watched the first 3 episodes together, and I watched E4, 5, and 6 on my own, so I decided to share some thoughts:

Okay, so it starts pretty great. It's like some kind of crazy AU, but in a good way. And I gotta say, Moxie Swaggerman is pretty badass. 

Harold is still a pure smol bean, and I start fangirling any time he's a part of anything (almost. You'll see): 

Me being well, me, I noticed that when they thought CU was gone, Harold cried more than George did

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Me being well, me, I noticed that when they thought CU was gone, Harold cried more than George did. This is probably just random, but it might hint at something darker (There's been a couple hints at his backstory) (well, that's how I interpreted it)(more on that later) 

Okay, so I guess Melvin's a rapper now. And oh shit, he's really good.

Harold's on the autism spectrum, fucking deal with it. 

Most of E4 was pretty interesting, actually. 

There was a Hamilton reference and it was lovely. 

Krupp's song totally bangs. Glad to see that he's getting some more creds, he deserves it. 

Watching Melvin blow out Harold's birthday candles was...kinda funny, in that fucked-up angsty way that shit is funny to me. 

And of course, the puns are still blessed, because this is an awesome show, deal with it.  

TETOCU is awesome, and I will always love it, but there were some cons too: 

Okay, so I appreciate the fact that they tweaked the theme song, but honestly, the older versions (from the original 3 seasons)were better.

It's cute and mostly wholesome, but honestly, the original show and hack-a-ween special were a little better.

Okay, so E3 came as a nasty shock. I mean, at first some of it was pretty great, as TETOCU is, but then it kinda went overboard.

Look, I appreciate that they gave Dressy the spotlight, but come on. Was there not a better villain for her to become?

I lowkey find it triggering when people personify food, so this episode got me. It got even worse when George, Harold and CU started losing their fucking minds. When Harold made it clear that he'd lost it, I covered my ears (but I watch TETOCU with the closed captions on, so I could still tell what he was saying). Yeah, I've said that the boys, Harold especially, deserve more singing moments because their VAs have amazing singing voices. But this crossed a fucking line. 

And now my bro's really freaked out about it. E3 was kinda jarring, so I don't really blame him

Honestly, that ep kinda tested Harold's mental stability. Okay, Harold's been shown to be at least a bissel unstable, but he's able to get through stuff.   

Oh, and then there's the Krupp puppet. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about: 

This thing is utterly demonic, and I seriously regret taking that screenshot

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This thing is utterly demonic, and I seriously regret taking that screenshot. 

Like I said, E4 was pretty interesting, but some of it freaked me out. When the Utopiqua bois turned into sharks, I swear my heart skipped a beat. And there was something about that ep that was kinda disturbing (nowhere near E3, but still). 

The way the kids were so heartless toward the adults was kinda shocking. I mean, are the adults really that bad in the regular world?  And I've seen some Tumblr posts that said it would've been cooler if we'd met that planet's version of the kids' parents, but I really disagree. I mean, the parents might not fully get their kids, but they don't deserve that. I'm pretty sure the worst that's happened is the parents being really of oblivious to stuff (oh, and Grace possibly dating Mr. Meaner). Sure that's caused trouble, but none of them are cruel. They're trying, they're just not fully succeeding. 

Gigglenose is fucking horrifying. 

I have no idea how they're gonna do season 2. Like, I want more, but I also don't know how they're gonna get out of the corner they've backed themselves into.

I'm usually not this person, but I'm wondering if the writers for the show are okay. 

I said I'd talk about the hints they might've dropped for Harold's backstory. Well, here you go: 

1. Harold said that his mom didn't trust him to brush his own teeth. That might've been just a filler joke, but I decided to over-think it an try to interpret it as a hint about his backstory, and came up with this: 

Ms. Hutchins works the evening shift at a diner, so Harold babysits Heidi until thier mom gets home, around 9:45. Harold goes to bed around 10, but he doesn't fall asleep then, because he has some trouble sleeping (not canon). His body refuses to run on barely any sleep, so he tends to sleep late, meaning he's usually late for school. He has to rush to get ready, skipping breakfast(which would explain why he seems to have a bigger appetite than George does), and just eating toothpaste instead of brushing his teeth. Ms. Hutchins doesn't want him to do a mediocre job brushing his teeth, and she doesn't really trust him to brush his own teeth. 

2. When the boys thought CU was gone, Harold cried more. That's canon, fight me. 

My theory is that he's already lost people (*insert dark-ass backstory here*), and he couldn't bear to lose anyone else. He might've seen CU as family, so this hurt. A lot.

3. I know I already talked about his possible instability, but I think that belongs here too. After all, it might've been caused by some trauma earlier in life. 

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