Hell yes

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I'm listening to Crawling rn, fucking holy motherfucking fuck, what the actual fuck, I can't fucking believe this

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I'm listening to Crawling rn, fucking holy motherfucking fuck, what the actual fuck, I can't fucking believe this. 

Okay, I'll fucking stop now. 

Fucking kidding. 

Okay, fine.

Okay, fine

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I love whoever made this

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I love whoever made this. 

Re-post if you agree. (Anyone reading this who is capable of re-posting had better do it)

 (Anyone reading this who is capable of re-posting had better do it)

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Wattpad, WTF?

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Wattpad, WTF?

This actually happened to me back in Elementary school

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This actually happened to me back in Elementary school. You know the macaroni cheese they have in a lot of school cafeterias? The kind that's all chunky and stuff? (No offense if you actually like it, I just really hate macaroni cheese). Well, one day they had that kind of macaroni cheese as the school lunch. And guess who had to sit outside because she couldn't stand the smell? Me, that's who.

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