Chapter 1

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“Welcome to McDonalds, may I take your order?”

Its been almost four months since I started my job. I’ve regretted getting this degrading job but its all that was available at the time. You get what you can get. Truthfully I had no choice, how else am I supposed to save up for college.

“Um, yeah one second I’m still deciding” The man mumbled.

“Its fine sir take all the time you need.” I laughed inwardly. This is Mcdonalds what else is there to get but a Bigmac and some fries. Although my shift wasn’t ending for another hour and it was about 1 am so he was literally the only person in the entire place. Lets just say we weren’t in a rush.

“I’ll have a Big Mac with a large fry and a extra large coke.” How typical. The man pays and a minute later I come back with his food.

About 40 minutes later my manager Kevin tells me I can leave early tonight.

“Thank you so much Kevin!” I'm very grateful because I’m really exhausted. I really don’t like late night shift because I was not made to stay up late. Plus the only people who come in late are drunk, high or simply bizarre.

"No problem Katherine, do you want a ride home?” He asked while giving me a cheeky smile.

“No its fine I can walk I don’t live far, but thanks for the offer.” I really didn’t want to bother him since he was already so nice to me. I also suspect that he might like me but dating a coworker would be very unprofessional. He was more like a brother figure so I didn’t want to lead him on.

“If you insist, goodnight.”


I headed to the back to get my boots and coat on. The moment I stepped outside I was greeted with the harsh cold  winds of fall. I’d have to suck it up, but luckily I only live about a 15 minute walk away.

I couldn’t help thinking how much easier my life would be with a car, but I dedicate almost my every penny so I can go University. Most people would just get the money from their parents but I wasn’t on good terms with my dad so really that wasn’t an option. I hadn’t spoken to him since I left the house and moved in my apartment. I lived alone, but I like the independence that came with having my own place.

Besides that, my life was pretty simple. I had moved out of my house a few months ago when I finished high school. I decided to take a year off so I could gain some life experience and raise money for University. Ever since I was young I’ve always had a dream of going to Queen’s University in Kingston to study medicine. So all throughout highschool I had my nose in a book and studied hard. I never went to parties, and rarely hung out with friends but atleast I graduated with a 94% average. I guess I was smart but sometimes I wondered if I had wasted my teenage years.

 I decided to stop self loathing and focus on the road ahead of me. The sidewalk was illuminated by the dim street lights that were guiding me home. But it was still really dark so I should probably keep an eye open for any creepy people in the streets.

Every step I take I can feel myself getting colder and colder. My hands are freezing so I shoved them in my coat pocket before they permanently freeze and fall off. Darn you cold Canadian weather.

 I noticed that I'm the only person out on the street. Then again, who would be out at two in  the morning. Crazy people my subconscious reminds me.

 I got off the sidewalk to cut through the park. Its completely dark, and all I can hear are dead leaves rustling and the silent whisper of the wind. I’m aware that it maybe isn’t the best idea to be in a dark park in the middle of the night by myself but I’m cold, and tired and not thinking straight. In addition, it saves me about five minutes of walking.

 I continue on my way until I hear silent voices in the distance. Very peculiar I think to myself. I was certain I was the only person out in the park at this time of night.

 My curiosity gets the best of me and I decide to follow the voices into a more wooded area of the park. I silently approach the voices until I can hear clearly and can see two dark figures. I stop and hide behind a tree, praying that they don’t see me snooping on them.

 “Hey Harry you got the stuff?” One of the dark figures says.

 “Yeah, but you’ve got the money right? Zayn is still mad that you didn’t pay him last time.” The other figure, named Harry I presume, replies. I can tell he has a prominent british accent.

 Wait. Holy crud. This is a drug deal. I’m witnessing a drug deal.

 My mind is racing with what I should do. Should I call the cops?What if they’re dangerous? Should I make a run for it? No that be stupid, they would see me. What if they have a gun? Maybe I should just stay put until they leave.

I decide to stay put to lessen my chances of being seen but I’m getting really nervous and my palms start getting sweaty and my heartbeat quickens.

“Tell Zayn I’ve got his money. Now just give me the stuff I’ve got places to be.”

"Sure man, here.” The british one says.

I start to relax knowing that its almost over and they’ll leave soon. I can go home and sleep it off like it never happened. Getting involved in a drug deal is the last thing I need right now.

The figures say their goodbyes and a weight is lifted off my shoulders as I hear footsteps walking away from me. I think I’m off the hook so I begin silently walking away, but to my dismay  I trip over a branch.

Before I know it i’m falling to the ground. I land with a loud thud and a british voice shouts,“hey who’s there?"

Oh crud. I’ve been caught.

AN: Hey, this is my first ever story I've written! So please be nice and vote/comment! 


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