Chapter 2

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Before I can process anything I feel myself getting up and starting to run away.

“Hey you! Stop!” The voice yells again, but this time he sounded much angrier. He groans in frustration and starts coming after me.

But I don’t stop, and keep ruining. I dodge trees left and right trying to navigate my way through the dark and pray that I don’t trip again because then there’s no way I’m getting out of here alive. I’m extremely relieved when I start seeing the dim glow of the streetlights up ahead, but I can still hear quick footsteps not too far behind me.

I’m running with all my might, and I know I should be running out of breath but my adrenaline kicked in and stopping to take a break is not an option when being chased by a drug dealer.

As soon as get on the street I decide to cut through an alley that conveniently leads on to my street. I turn out of the alley and while he’s still out of sight I duck behind a car that is parked on the street. My breathing is ragged and uneven, my hands are shaking and I can feel a nervous sweat starting to appear on my forehead. I wait five minutes and I don’t hear or see anyone, so I presume I must of lost him.

I determine that its safe for me to go to my apartment so carefully I get up and look around. As I suspected I’m the only one on the street at the moment. I take the opportunity to go home, but as I enter my apartment building I can’t help but feel like someone is watching me.

As soon as I enter my home I quickly lock the door behind me and fall to the floor.

 That was way too close. I could have gotten killed, who knows how crazy that british man could have been. I make a mental decision never to go through that park again during the night.

 I take out my phone and look at the time on it. Its almost 3 am and I’m still not in bed but the exhaustion hits me and I start feeling my eyelids get heavy. I drag myself myself to my room and remove my dirty clothes. I thrown everything in my dirty laundry bin, and put on some sweats and an old t-shirt and hop in bed.

 I’m so tired that sleeps quickly finds me and suddenly I drift off into a dreamless slumber.


The next morning I wake up and look over at my alarm clock, 11:45 am. I groan and roll off the bed and head to the shower. I take my time letting the hot water cascade down by body relaxing and unwinding all my muscles from last nights unexpected run.

 I can’t believe I got chase down by a drug dealer. My life was in serious danger and I count my blessings that I didn’t get harmed. Who knows what he would of done to me.

 After my shower I get dressed in a pair of faded blue jeans and and a cozy sweater I got at old navy. I head to the bathroom and throw my wet messy hair in a bun. Then I go to the kitchen and make myself a cup of coffee.

 I seriously cannot live without coffee.

 After breakfast I grab my purse and head out the door. Since I don’t work until later tonight I do what I usually do in my spare time, volunteer. Ever since I was little I’ve always loved doing volunteer work. I go down to the homeless shelter and help prepare and serve food. I realize how blessed I am in life so I believe its my mission to help others as much as I can. Besides, everything I do to volunteer is worth it when I see the smile of a person I just helped. They are so grateful for literally anything they get and it warms my heart.

 As I’m walking to the shelter my phone starts ringing.

 I answer it, “Hello?”

 “Hey Katherine, Its me Patricia!”

“Hey Trish, what’s up?”

“Oh nothing much, I just called to see if maybe you wanted to grab a coffee soon. We haven’t hung out in ages.”

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