A Slowly Breaking Mind

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Brianna felt the blood gushing from her nose. Her mother had long since gotten up and was holding a tissue to her nose, tears began to well in Brianna's eyes. A mix of pain, fear, and anger bloomed in her. She suddenly stood, her emerald eyes cold. "They're going to pay for this."
She claimed. Harley watched her worriedly, and suddenly Brianna stormed out, making her way back to her room, running into Jack who saw the tears and followed her back to her room. "Princess-" he started, watching as she opened the panel holding her heist gear. He watched as she ripped the outfit down from it's place with aloud yell, "I'll kill them! I'll kill all of them!" Jack quickly grabbed her by the shoulders. "What happened?" He demanded, Brianna shook her head, "I can't do this- I can't! The memories- they just keep- ugh!" She gripped her head, "It won't stop! Each new one is worse than the last!" Jack sighed, moving her to the small seating area in front of her bedroom's fireplace. "Calm down," He said helping her to the love seat. Brianna shook her head, "I never should have come back here- it's bringing everything back." Jack sighed, "Just give it time. It's expected that things will start coming back to you- isn't it better to get it done and over with?" Brianna shuddered, "You don't know what it was like there," She started, "You were just put into federal prison. Belle Reve is a top secret government prison. Even with my father's connections when my mother was there he didn't know about it for over two years." Jack watched her, worry sparked in his hazel eyes. "Princess- you can't dwell on the past forever." Brianna hissed, "The doctors told me I would never get my memory completely back. Why does it have to be the bad things I remember? I remember waking up in the vat and almost killing Griggs, then passing out and waking up again in Belle Reve. I remember them erasing my mind, destroying everything. My brain was already damaged from the fall- they just finished it off and took everything." Jack rubbed her back comfortingly, "It'll fade as you remember more." He promised. Brianna shuddered, tucking her knees to her chest. "No." She said, "I will never forget the pain I felt when they erased my mind, when they beat me until I was half dead, when they ran all those science experiments on me, drugging me up with experimental crap. I wish I'd died in there." Jack stopped and stared at the floor. "Princess," he said, "You can't just end it all now. You let them win." Brianna nodded, "I know." She stood making her way back to her bed where her heist suit and gear was laid out. "But I have to roll these dice, Jack. I can't let them live for this." Jack nodded, "And they won't," He promised. "We will go after them, and when we do they will fear you." Brianna chuckled, "They'll die by my hand." Jack felt an involuntary shudder go through him at her words. He watched as she flicked her hand and the gear lifted and practically whipped back into place and the panel sealing it in. "When did you learn that?" He asked. Brianna shook her head. "I don't know, it just- happens." She sat on her bed, "You should go get Delgado," She murmured, "Start preparing for tonight. Whatever you do- stay as far away from Ethan as you can." Jack nodded, "You have my word." Brianna rolled over, her back to him, "You should go now." Jack nodded, obeying her command, leaving the room and closing the door behind him, only to come face to face with Harley- who had tears streaming down her face. He sighed, "She doesn't want to see anyone right now." He began walking away, pausing only to say, "But you knew that, didn't you? You had to listen." Harley wiped her eyes, "I am not only her mother but also her therapist." She claimed. "I need to know these things. And knowing what they did to her..." She choked a sob. "They all deserve to die. She's just a child- they can't do that!" Jack snarled, "They don't care! As far as they are concerned, she is a person with unique abilities. Knowing who her parents are is just a bonus." Harley was quiet now. "I'm going to tell J." She said finally, "He needs to know what happened." Jack growled, "If you breathe a word, it will prevent her from becoming heiress again." Harley shook her head, "No. It won't." She held up the recorder. "I had Jasen edit it. It sounds like she's slightly damaged, but not as bad as she really is." Jack narrowed his eyes, "Won't your partner disagree?" Harley laughed and shook her head, "I doubt it. After the Black Mask incident he hasn't been thrilled. And let me tell you- he was very thrilled when he found out our princess had returned!" Jack cringed, "I don't think I needed to know that." He muttered. Harley chuckled, "Come on," She said wiping the tears from her eyes, "You should go do what she asked of you. I need to speak to my boyfriend."

Harley walked into the Joker's office after splitting ways with Jack. Tears still lingered in her eyes after what she had found out. J looked up at her from his work, "Harls?" He asked sitting up when he saw her. He pushed his work aside as she walked over. She put the recorder on the desk. "I had Jasen edit it." She murmured. Joker narrowed his eyes, "Why? Was it that bad?" Harley nodded. "They- they, she was alive. She woke up in the vat and killed the ten guys you left with Griggs. She stabbed him in the shoulder. That's why he couldn't carry anything to heavy." Joker frowned, "If she knew he pushed her, why didn't she kill him?" Harley sat across from him, "Waller tranquilized her before she could. They tortured her in Belle Reve. When she got too violent they gave her electroshock. They used it to-" Joker cut her off, "Erase what few faded memories she had left." He nodded at her, "It was what happened in Arkham." Harley felt the tears well again. "Please don't remind of that," She whispered, "Not now." Joker rolled his eyes. "Clearly she won't be ready when Lex comes next week." He growled. Harley walked over to stand behind him, her hands on his shoulders. "Not necessarily. We just need to make sure there is nothing that can trigger her." Joker shook his head, leaning back into her, "Lex would just mention something. We can't control what he says." Harley nodded, massaging his shoulders as she thought. "Maybe we start bringing her to the club? I mean- of course she'll attend when the League arrives. And tonight when Red comes to pick Ginger up." Joker growled, "I hate her." Harley laughed, "You've always hated Ivy, Puddin'." Joker shrugged, "She's a bitch. I don't like you associating with her." Harley rolled her eyes in amusement. "Oh your such a kidder," She kissed his cheek and started towards the door. "By the way," She said pausing at the door, "Ethan is sneaking out. Put a stop to it." Joker growled, "I'll talk with him."

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