Amusement Mile

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The next class only pissed Brianna off even more. And so did the one after that. It was just before lunch hour did she pull her crew aside. "I'm done." She stated, "I'm leaving. Anyone else want to join me for drinks and games at Amusement Mile?" The squad nodded in agreement while the heirs all shared a worried look. "I dunno, Bri." Sabrina said slowly, "Won't your dad be mad?" Brianna scoffed, "Sabby- since when, when do I ever do what my father tells me to do?" Sabrina fell silent. Brianna's emerald gaze blew over the other heirs. "Any other objections?" She demanded. Silence. "That's what I thought." She hissed, turning on her heel and walking towards the gym doors. Ethan watched her from his place in the lunch line, shoving his tray at Sarah Cobblepot suddenly and nodding for the Antonio and Sofia to follow him. "Brianna!" He called, stopping his twin as she neared the exit. Brianna rolled her eyes, "What?" She demanded. Ethan frowned, "Now is that any way to treat the heir to the throne?" He scolded. Brianna hissed, "What do you want, Ethan?" Ethan sighed rolling his eyes, folding his arms across his chest, closing his eyes and saying rather melodramatically (while also looking the part), "I only cane to make sure you don't plan on leaving early." He said, "Father would be so disappointed to see your disobeying him. Again." His eyes flashed with mischief and slight threat. Brianna whipped around to stand inches from her brother's face. "Is that a threat, little brother?" She snarled. Ethan recoiled, feigning hurt and innocence. "A threat?! Good god no! Why would I ever threaten my beloved sister?" Ethan grinned leaning forward, a spitting image of the twin's father. "It was a promise." Brianna riled her eyes, "Go back to your little posse, E. I don't need to deal with this right now." Ethan hummed, "Sadly my dear sister, I can't let you leave." He snapped his fingers. "Tony? Sofia? Would you be dears and keep an eye on my sister? I wouldn't want her getting hurt or... taken." Brianna scoffed, gritting her teeth trying not to show her brother how furious he was making her. Ethan's two lackeys moved to stand beside Brianna. "Princess!" Antonio purred, "It's been forever! We've so much to catch up on!"He trailed a hand along her arm before Brianna grasped his wrist painfully. "Do not touch me, Tony." She said her words like ice. Antonio sighed, pulling his hand back. "I thought you loved me, Brianna." Brianna rolled her eyes. "I went out with you once out of sympathy, Antonio. Once." Sofia giggled, "Don't mind him, Princess. He's an ass." She said the last few words coldly and with a glare at the Maroni brother. Antonio made a "hmph!" Sound before marching off. Brianna shook Sofia Falcons off her arm. "Sofia," she greeted, "I won't lie it is nice to see a more... friendly face." Sofia smiled, "it's nice to see you to Brianna. Things just weren't right after you... vanished." Jack saw Brianna's flinch at that last word. "Yes- they weren't." Brianna agreed. "Now- if you'll do me a favor, I can do one for you?" Brianna tried, Sofia laughed, "Nice try, Brianna! But I'm loyal to Ethan. And I'm his second so I've got no choice." Sofia took Brianna by the arm and lead her back to the cafe. "I'm sure if you just give this old place time you'll adjust," she said. Brianna rolled her eyes, "I sincerely doubt that." Sofia frowned, "Oh don't worry! Your just used to..." she trailed off, "Well- whatever your used to." She waved her hand and turned back to the cafe line, "Come- let's grab lunch." Brianna but her tongue, obeying the Falcone girl. As Sofia rambled on, Brianna plotted her escape. The squad and crew were still by the entrance to the cafe. Some still lingered by the gym door. Brianna decided to indulge Sofia for now, hoping she could get away. Sofia wasn't stupid- not always. But she was naive. To a point. Brianna smiled, "Gotham's been wonderful, Sofia. I'm just happy to be home!" Sofia grinned, "Oh I'm so glad to hear you say that! Even though our beloved city has fallen into a bit of disrepair." Brianna paused, "Disrepair?" She repeated. Sofia sighed nodding, "A few lower class criminals stepped up, trying to make a name for themselves. Especially after you got back and Joker put your entire family into hiding." Brianna's interest peaked. "Tell me more." Sofia continued, "Well, there's the Shocker. Calls himself the King Of Shocks though. Pretty dumb name if you ask me." Brianna nodded in agreement, grabbing a few sandwiches. Sofia continued, "He's got some sort of baton that's charged with electricity. And then there's the Wedding Crasher. He's not very good or anything and all he does is crash weddings and kill everyone attending." Brianna chuckled, "Sounds ridiculous." Sofia laughed, "that's not all!" Sofia went on to tell her about; Xeon- a murderer with a thing for the fluid in neon lights and injecting toxins of his own creation into his victims. He also had a medical background. Then there was Metatrick. This one peaked Brianna's interest the most. Metatrick was the most unique of the mediocre villains. Metatrick supposedly had the power to bend any Metahuman to their will. Brianna was lost in thought for a moment, before hurriedly picketing the sandwiches and a few bags of chips. Thankfully- The squad at the door had gotten the idea and began grabbing some food as well. Brianna left a sandwich and a bottle of cola on her plate, moving to join Sofia at a table. She chatted with her brother's second, glancing up every so often to check on the squad. Once they gave her the thumbs up- she gave a small subtle nod and they hurried to the gym door. Brianna suddenly turned to Sofia after a couple more minutes, "Hey- I'm gonna run to the bathroom, y'know- girl stuff. I'll be back in a minute." Sofia nodded, busy eating her food. "Oh, yeah sure. No problem." Brianna flashed her a grin before speed walking out of the cafe. She nearly ran into Nikki, Sabrina and Ginger as she left. The four of them shared a giggle before taking off down the hall to meet the squad and crew. The two bonded groups raced out of the school's gym doors, down the streets for a few blocks before stopping in an alley, out of breath. Brianna pulled out the sandwiches, distributing them to each member. Grayson laughed, siting on top of a dumpster, sandwich at hand. "I've never had this much fun!" He laughed, Nikki grinned, "Welcome to the club!" Ginger looked at Brianna, "So boss- what's the next plan of action?" Brianna giggled madly, "Whatever we want, Gin-Gin!" Ginger's face fell into an, are you fucking kidding me look, which caused the two groups to laugh. Brianna leaned back against the wall, "In all seriousness," she said with a mouthful of sandwich, "we're going to the zoo to break out Bud and Lou and then to Amusement Mile for the day." The crew brightened up, "We haven't been there in forever!" Sabrina cried. Alice nodded, pulling her golden blonde hair into a side braid. "Indeed, we haven't been there in a long time." Mark hummed happily munching in his sandwich, "Shame Harrison and Tabby couldn't be here."
"Who said we weren't?" The large group turned to see Harrison and Tabitha Crane walking over. Tabitha narrowed her eyes, looking nearly lifeless as per usual. "Brianna- I'm offended. Did you purposely not invite us?" Tabitha asked, her eyes cool. Brianna rolled her eyes, tossing the brother and sister a pair of sandwiches. "Oh shush. I knew you wouldn't be far behind. We have the same lunch." Tabitha shrugged, "Fair." The group sat in the alleyway, finishing their lunch before starting towards the zoo. The squad and crew got along, Brianna noted while they walked to the Gotham City Zoo. Delgado was deep in conversation with Mark, Cierra and Nikki were chatting, Tabitha, Winter and Sasha were talking, Josh and Grayson were talking with Grayson, Sabrina and Ginger were of course by Brianna's side- the three of them making up the next generation of the Gotham City Sirens. Jack was talking with Gravity about Los Santos, while the Aussie girl laughed and told him about Melbourne, her home city. Brianna was satisfied, so far. Hopefully they could all work together as well as they talked.

Getting into the zoo was easy, they played it off like a high school class on a field trip, and that they're teacher had stayed on the bus to grab something. The guard at the entrance was gullible, letting them in without a fight. The group walked towards the hyena enclosure, Brianna dealing out orders while they walked. "Harrison, Grayson and Mark- hack the lock into the door. Tabitha, Gravity, Winter- stand guard, Sasha- shape shift into your feline form. Josh- act like your trying to catch her," Brianna flicked her hand and Josh felt chills as his clothes changed into that of a zoo keepers. "Delgado, Cierra, Nikki- hold off the other hyenas. Everyone else- with me." Brianna watched as the group split, moving into their set positions. The hacking team got in in record time, the guard team was discreet but clear, Josh and Sasha distracted the crowd, Brianna kicked open the hyena cage door, putting her fingers to her lips and whistling. She didn't flinch as two hyenas ran at her, behind the two came the pack snarling. The defense team leapt into action, Delgado and Cierra using their fire to frighten the animals. Nikki held a baton that with the press of a button would sprout two spinning blades, but in its own held an electrical charge. Brianna laughed, kneeling down to let the hyenas. "Hi boys." She cooed stroking the hyenas manes. Bud and Lou laughed happily, brushing up against her legs. Brianna nodded to the her group, who moved forward cautiously to attach the leashes and collars to the hyenas. Brianna and her team exited with Bud and Lou, the defense team following shortly after. The hacking team locked up once they were out, and the security team threw a smoke bomb into the crowd allowing Josh and Sasha to escape. They fled the zoo, sprinting north towards Amusement Mile.

The group stopped by a liquor store, picking up some beers and whiskey, Brianna knew there was wine at the Amusement Mile hideout so there was no need to pick that up. By the time they got to Amusement Mile, it was just after two. Brianna released the hyenas leashes, and the two animals chuckled, running off. The group sat in what used to be the bumper car arena while they drank. "I thought you had three hyenas?" Alice asked. Brianna nodded. "We do- my mom gave Bruce to Ethan. Bruce is close with mom and E, Bud and Lou love everyone but my brother." The group laughed, "What'd Ethan do to make Bud and Lou hate him?" Josh asked, petting Lou as he walked by. Brianna snickered, "He pulled Bud's tail and lit it on fire when we were kids." She nodded to Bud who did have a slightly shorter tail than Lou. "It wasn't major. But Bud did lose the tip of his tail. My mom was devastated. But she forgave her precious prince." Brianna spat the last part like it was poison. No more questions were asked on the subject of her brother. Clearly there was a tension between the two twins that no one knew about. Brianna took a swig of whiskey. "Anyways," she started, "Want to see who can find a dead body first?" The squad all cringed while the crew shrugged. "The smell of death is never going away," Alice sighed, "So why bother?"  Brianna nodded, "This is true..." they say in silence. Harrison perked up, "There's a speakeasy in Uotown Gotham. We could go there?" Brianna frowned, "we aren't dressed for it." Jack looked up, "Can't you use the trippy magic stuff? You did it for Josh earlier at the zoo." He pointed out. Brianna shook her head, "I can't use it too much. I don't want that demon to take over." "What?!" The squad and crew exclaimed. Brianna sighed, going on to explain how she had discovered the Enchantress and what had happened when Duela broke into the penthouse. They found silence once more after she finished. They all remembered how things used to be. For the first time, it really occurred to them that things had truly changed. The squad realized that time had not stopped for them, it had gone on. And like things do- they go on. It filled each of them with fear and dread. Would they be welcomed home with open arms? Would things ever be the same as they once were? Even the crew- knowing that for now at least- Ethan was by Crime Law standards the heir to the throne. And they had been dissolved as the heirs crew. Until- if Brianna was reinstated as heiress, especially now after this stunt, they were all left to wonder the same thing. How much had changed in the time they'd been apart? And would things ever be somewhat normal again?

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