Chap. Five: The Silhouette

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Thump. Thump. Thump.

This is a new noise.

Thump. Thump.

This isn't the ballerina. She is lighter.



I guess this is the day I'm torn to shreds. Not that I matter to anyone anyway.

I watched as the thin beam of light from the other side spread across my dark room. My feet soon became visible. Without turning my head, avoiding any sort of noise, I spotted a figure.




Wait... wired?

The new figure walked to my. Before I was going to break the silence, a low chuckle was audible from the mystery figure. Interesting.

"It's fun to see you here, again. Old pal," the figure spoke on. "It is possible you don't remember me. You're to old—" they cut themselves off with a harsh laugh. "—I'm older."

Small creeks of rusty gears had piped up when I moved. I wanted to see them. I wanted to see him.

He continued with his 'speech', "I watched you. Up there. I watched you be put together while I was left to rot. To fade out of people's memories. Left behind by everyone. But I wasn't going to accept that."

He walked towards me, allowing me to see his now light covered face. The mask wore over his unpleasant endoskeleton head was somehow still holding on. While his body is a different story. Not that I'm one to talk.

"I hear all spoken on these grounds, Clown. Ballora seems fond of you... unfortunately. At least the fox has common sense. He doesn't even know what you've done and he knows you're bad news." His words were followed by another irritating laughing fit.

"I... I didn't do anything," I quietly defended myself. My voice still rattled and it was staticky.

"I love hearing your voice. Don't you?" He laughed again. "And of course you did. I watched it. I watched you. I studied you. From the very moment I was scrapped, they thought of you. The just adorable new face. Looks like that backfired, no? Their perfect new face killed their own creators child."

"I know-ow it w-was you, Enn.." my remaining hand had clenched, I tried to shoot him a glare. But my body was not following the order I had given. Not surprising.

"Me? What did little ol' me do? I'm here to save you."

Save me? What business does he have to save me. Ennard couldn't care less about me. "You're l-lying."

The clown stepped closer to me. And closer. Before I knew it, he was hovering over my broken body. "Oh, am I?"

And that was it. It all went dark.

A/N: Short lore chapter. Kinda. I'm lazy lol.

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