Chap. Six: Don't Be Afriad

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Cold air flowed through the vents. Almost complete silence had filled the room to the brim. Although, a small noise of a creek, a rat or even a wire went off, alerting the clown. Never off guard, she heard near everything.

Obviously, she didn't miss the obnoxiously loud door opening. She growled lowly to herself, not wanting to be bothered. Not wanting anything but to be alone, or with the dancer. But, despite her efforts, she couldn't bring her head up. Her body was failing her, and it showed.

"Hey, it's me," a familiar voice rang through the clowns ears. Her lips curved into a small smile. "I'm with one of my friends, Freddy. He is... nice and he wants to help you. But you have to cooperate. Okay?" As Ballora spoke, she inched closer to the clown, placing her cold hand against the others surprisingly warm face plates.

"Y-You want... to help me-e?"

A small chuckle came from the girl, "Of course. We need to shut you off for a while, though. Is that okay with you?" After a long pause from the clown, a whine emitted from her neck as she nodded.

The bear laughed, "L-Let's get t-to work!"


"You... trust a stranger?"

"Yes, I do. She is much friendlier than you think."

"What if she kills us? You know Ennard... they're both clowns."

"A-Aw c'mon! G-Give her a chance!"

"Do you even know her name?!"

"Circus Baby."

The room fell silent the minute she spoke. The repaired clown looked over all of them, now staring directly at her. Her emerald eyes wondered to the floor, "My name is Circus Baby." Baby's voice sounded... smooth. Unlike her original scratchy one. It was relaxing, calming. Creepy, to certain people.

"You look adorable, Baby!" Ballora smiled, stepping closer to the tall animatronic. "Not that you didn't look good before! But it's nice to see you all fixed up." The dancer scratched the back of her neck gently, embarrassed slightly. "So, this Funtime Freddy, Lolbit and Yendo. They helped you. They're... our friends."

The white fox, her arms crossed and a very sour expression, spoke: "Yeah, she isn't a friend of mine." Circus Baby smiled at the fox, named Lolbit. "I am okay with that," Baby replied. She lifted herself off of the table, wobbling slightly at this. Unfortunately, her knee's are still weak and she needed to get used to walking. The light is something she had adjusted to a while ago. Though it light never bothered her.

"Are you going to kill us?" Lolbit asked, very bluntly. Baby smiled sheepishly, "You are robots, I can't kill you. But I'm not going to like... dismantle you."

"Alright well, that was a lie." The white fox crossed their arms over their chest, eyes half lidded and a crooked expression. The clown only smiled wider at the fox. "Oh... Where do I stay? I don't mind staying here. Or where you found me, Ballora," Baby's eyebrows lifted slightly, her smile having faded. Now facing the dancer.

"Oh, no! You shouldn't have to rest in those old dusty rooms. Uhm... you can stay with me! I wouldn't mind. My gallery is dark, but I'm sure you won't mind," Ballora lightly chuckled, giving the back of her neck a gentle rub. Baby's smile returned, "I'd love that!" She stood. Baby was taller then most people in the unit. Odd, but the others didn't question it.

Not that Baby would answer, just saying it was how I was made, I guess. Sharing the real story could ruin her. She'd be sent back. Forever, this time. "Can you show me around a bit? I'm sure the place has changed since the 80's." The clown questioned.

Ballora gave a small nod, taking Baby's hand into her own. "I can. I'll show you my Gallery last, then we can stay there. The Nightguard should come around sooner or later." She pulled Baby off, off to the tour.

Throughout the tour Baby only had memories. Some good, some bad. But nonetheless, it made her happy she was with others. Even if some weren't the most fond of her joining in with them.

Sorry it's so short! ">^<

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