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Inscape cast :

The people of Mahogany...

Diego Tinocco as

<mateo ramirez>

"the boy who was more than what meet's the eye"

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"the boy who was more than what meet's the eye"

Lola Flanery as

<amelia romano>

"the warior little sis"

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"the warior little sis"

Shay Mitchelle as


"the fiesty lady"

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"the fiesty lady"

Emily Rudd as


"the kind soul with so much potential"

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"the kind soul with so much potential"

Ashley Benson as 


"the moral compass"

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"the moral compass"

Mark J.M.

"the selfish but broken boy"

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"the selfish but broken boy"

Troian Bellisario as

<alina rogers>

"the wise one"

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"the wise one"

I hope you all like the cast. This is how I like to imagine some of the characters but you can do so however you like.


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