My Crazy Ass Date (With Andy?)

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He's repulsive. I want to slap that smile right off his face. I want to smash his perfect little face into the mud and dirt. God, he's smiling so wide. Fuck his god-made cheekbones. Those pearly whites. Have his eyes always been so blue? Its like staring into the clearest blue ocean.

Apparently I missed everything Andy had said while I was staring at his eyes.

"So, um, do you wanna go now or...?"

I nodded quickly. "Yeah."

Two hours in I found myself having a good time. Andy and I were walking down the street and just laughing our asses off for no reason. I'm pretty sure it was because of how ridiculous his lame joke was but whatever. We soon reached the park and sat on a bench. Andy was smiling wide and his perfect blue eyes were looking at me. I smiled up at him.

And it all happened so fast.

Andy's lips were on mine and it felt nice. Our lips moving in sync, his hands now encircling my waist.

Only one thing could ruin this moment.


Standing fifeteen feet away.

Watching the whole scene play out.

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