Chapter 5- Finding out

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"Chicago PD!" Jay shouted, kicking in the door to the abandoned warehouse. He rushed into the large room, as the others entered from separate directions, surrounding their target.

"Do you guys even have a warrant?" The man, a drug dealer named Micheal Henderson, snarled, giving them a nasty look. He stood up from his couch, which was placed in the middle of the room. Voight pulled a folded piece of paper from a pocket in his vest and held it up so the man could see it. The man sighed and sat back down on his couch in defeat.

Erin lowered her gun and walked over to him, handcuffs in hand, ready to use them. She stopped when she noticed the man's arm moving underneath a blanket beside him. "Put your hands up." She said raising her gun again. Henderson continued to reach underneath the blanket. "I said, Hands up." She commanded through clenched teeth.

The drug dealer pulled out a gun and stuck it underneath his chin. Tears pooled in the man's eyes as he looked up at her, "You'll never flip me." he spoke in a voice that sent chills down Erin's spine.

"Put the gun down. You don't hav-", A loud gunshot interrupted Erin's attempt to reason. He had pulled the trigger. Erin's mouth hung agape at the gory sight. Everyone stood in shock, they had just watched a man take his own life.

Jay rushed over to Erin, "Are you ok?" he asked. She nodded, still staring at the lifeless body in front of her. "C'mon." He said trying to usher her away as the crime techs started to enter the warehouse. She stayed just long enough to watch them put the tarp over Henderson's body.

Jay and Erin walked outside, not saying a word. "I... can't-," Erin swallowed hard "He barely hesitated. He wasn't even gonna serve more than 5 years in prison, I'm just shocked." She said breaking the silence.

Jay wrapped his arm around her, "Nothing you would've said could've changed the outcome." He tried his best to be reassuring. Erin nodded "I know...but it's... it's still so crazy."

Jay hugged her closer. "Hey what do you say when we get back to the district you and I go out and grab some coffee and food? It might make you feel a little bit better." he suggested.

She smiled a little bit, "So in other words, you are asking me to accompany you on a Coffee run you already intended on taking?".

"Well....Yes," Jay smiled sheepishly, "but at least now you're included. I was just going to go by myself."

"Oh how romantic! What a gentleman I married! Including me in an already planned coffee run. And I thought chivalry was dead." She bantered sarcastically.

A grin spread across Jay's face as he looked at her, He loved her so much, "I am assuming that's a yes to getting coffee ?". She smiled and rolled her eyes "Yes, of course! Always".

"I love you, so much." Jay laughed admiring Erin's smiling face.

"I love you too," She leaned over and gave him a quick kiss, " We should probably go back to the rest of the group before people get suspicious."

Jay raised an eyebrow, "Suspicious of what, Erin? Suspicious of two people, who are married, loving each other?" he teased as Erin started to walk away

Erin slapped his arm playfully "You didn't deserve that kiss." She shot back chuckling.

Jay feigned offense "Ooh That's cold Erin, maybe you should've thought of that, I don't know... before you kissed me?" He grinned. Erin laughed, what did she ever do to deserve him?

"C'mon let's walk" Jay chuckled, putting his arm around her again. The two of them walked across the snow, simply enjoying one another's company. Erin leaned her head against Jay's side. Jay looked down at his wife and smiled again, they were happy.

When they made it to Erin's car Jay leaned over and gave her a kiss, "Drive safe."

Erin smiled "Always, See you at the district." she said before climbing into her car.

Jay watched her car pull out of the drive as he hopped up into his own truck, smiling like an idiot.

About 15 minutes later Jay and Erin met up by Jay's truck in the parking lot. "Are you ready for our coffee date?" He asked her.

She smiled "I'm excited! We haven't had a coffee date, with just the two of us, in a while.". Erin could feel her phone lightly buzzing in her pocket "Who's Calling me?" She wondered aloud as she pulled her phone out of her pocket.

"It's your brother...Why's he calling me?" She looked at Jay confused. Jay shrugged "I don't know, answer it."

Erin slid the icon on her screen and put the phone up to her ear, "Hello?" she answered

Will's voice sounded somewhat relieved that she had picked up "Erin... I assume you've seen the news... Is Jay with you? This is important."

"Yeah he's right here....What news? Is everything alright?" Erin asked, growing more worried, she had this feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach. Something was definitely wrong.

"It's Piper. There was a bombing 'incident'...." Will said, trying his best to be as delicate as possible. Erin bit her lip, hard, and tried to fight the tears forming in her eyes.

"You need to- " Will paused, clearly having a difficult time getting the words out, "You and Jay need to get here as soon as you can."

Erin looked up at Jay, whose brow was furrowed in confusion and concern. Erin trained her eyes back on the ground. She swallowed hard and continued the conversation.

"How bad?" Erin asked, choking back tears. It took every bit of strength not to sob uncontrollably and crumple to the ground. This was her baby they were talking about, her only child, heck Piper was pretty much her whole world.

"It's bad Erin." Will sounded like he was choking back some tears of his own on the other end of the line.

Erin felt nauseous, Was this really happening? "We're on our way." She said, her voice breaking a little bit.

Jay looked at Erin expectantly, waiting for her to speak. She looked at him with pure fear in her eyes, something extremely out of character for her.

"Jay.... Something's wrong with Piper-," Tears began slipping down Erin's pale cheeks, "We-We need to get to the hospital.".



Hello everyone. Here it is. Here is the chapter, I posted it finally. Btw i know the title sucks but naming things is hard so, thats what it is.

Sorry if I sound extremely dead, I did not get any sleep last night so as you can imagine, I'm kinda tired.

Also, FEEDBACK. As I mentioned in the last chapter's A/N that I'm new at actually posting fics and then sticking with them so I'd love to know how you think I'm doing. I hope you find it at least kind of entertaining or enjoyable!

ANYWAYS, Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to read my work and this author's note. You are amazing.

Sending Love to each and every one of you out there! ❤️❤️❤️

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