Chapter 16

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Throughout the day, Sofia diligently taught me the ins and outs of being a baiter, ensuring I memorized every crucial detail. Adapting to this new role and the changes it brought proved to be a daunting task. It's still difficult for me to readily accept that my primary job is to allure men only to have them meet a grim fate later on. Additionally, I must remember everyone's names and their respective roles to seamlessly blend in.

As I observed my surroundings, chaos seemed to reign within the house. There was never a moment of peace or tranquility. Whether encountering armed men in the hallways or rushing individuals hurrying about, it felt like constant commotion.

My bedroom served as the only sanctuary amidst the tumult. I embarked on a quest to find it, carefully navigating my way to avoid crossing paths with anyone.

However, as I turned into the next hallway, a group of imposing men came charging toward me. Panic set in as their formidable presence blocked all possible escape routes.

Feeling trapped, I acted instinctively and hastily entered the nearest room on my right. I closed the door behind me, leaning against it with a sigh of relief as the thundering footsteps gradually faded away.

Suddenly, a voice startled me from behind. I spun around to find Shane standing there—a striking figure who had just emerged from the shower, water droplets cascading down his sculpted six-pack and muscular physique.

"I-um, I was just..." I stumbled over my words, desperately attempting to avert my gaze from his enticing form.

"Well? Entering someone's bedroom without permission is a blatant invasion of privacy!" He reprimanded me, his voice carrying a mixture of anger and frustration.

Only then did I truly take in the room I had unwittingly sought refuge in. The walls were painted a somber shade of gray, and a king-sized bed with matching gray sheets and pristine white pillows occupied the center. Nightstands in black flanked the bed, while a towering window adorned the opposite side.

I surmised that Shane's choice of decor mirrored his moody disposition, embodying his perception of himself as cold and ruthless.

"Listen, if you're so desperate to ogle me half-naked, at least refrain from barging into my room, alright? I understand that women have their needs, but the last thing I want is for them to come running to me from all corners, ending up in my bedroom!"

I was taken aback, shocked, and disgusted. How dare he think I'm some desperate woman in need of physical intimacy? Hell no!

"Excuse me? What did you just say to me?!" I glared at him, meeting his gaze as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I told you, I don't like repeating myself! Look, I understand you're new here, and you're unfamiliar with the layout, but there's one thing I want you to grasp—I can pull the trigger on anyone who enters this room without my permission, including you. Consider this a warning!"

I scoffed in disbelief. "Are you joking right now? Just because I unexpectedly entered your room doesn't mean I did it on purpose, you imbecile! Not every woman on this planet craves your attention!"

He took a step closer, a dangerous glint in his eyes, prompting me to retreat and avoid any physical contact.

"What did you just call me?!" I was about to repeat my choice of words when he made a sudden move that occurred too quickly for me to process.

He forcefully pushed me against the wall, pinning my arms to my sides. His body pressed against mine, momentarily stealing my breath. I found myself frozen in this uncomfortable and rough position, staring at him in shock as he bore into my eyes with intensity.

"Don't. Ever. Talk. Back. To. Me," he growled, his teeth clenched. I tried to free my arms from his tight grip, but he only tightened his hold.

"Say one more wrong thing, and you'll regret it. Understand me? I'm not one of those guys you can freely speak to or say whatever you want. I am your leader, and you're nothing more than a pawn, a slave in my world."

His words sent a cold shiver down my spine, and I swallowed the lump in my throat. I continued to gaze into his dark, emotionless eyes, a tinge of fear creeping in. The person currently holding me captive seemed consumed by a myriad of dark emotions.

"Now, get out, and don't ever think of entering here without my permission again! Leave!" He abruptly released his grip on my hands, and they fell limply to my sides. I regained my composure, glared at him with all the strength I could muster, then opened the door behind me and stormed out, slamming it shut with a resounding bang.

Once outside, the anger dissipated from my face, and I let out a deep breath, realizing I had been holding it in.

The brief physical contact we had left my body tingling, and I couldn't help but feel a slight shift in my perception of the situation.

As I slowly made my way back to my room, troubled thoughts plagued my mind. I had never encountered someone so consumed by darkness before, someone who wielded absolute control and exuded a dangerous and foreboding aura. Discovering this left me feeling disconnected from myself.

It was both unsettling and frightening.

What had I gotten myself into?

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